

---Christmas Trees

She kept her promise.

When we got out of the car she locked it and took us across the street to a small café.

La Piér.

She holds the door open for me which causes me to smile as I thank her and lead us inside.

/"Where do you want to sit?/" She asks as she stops beside me which causes our hands to lightly caress each other

My breath hitches as I feel a jolt of electricity go through my arm.

Charlotte freezes but she continues to look around for an empty table.

Did she not feel that too?!

/"There's a booth over there/" she says as she points to a red booth in the back of the store near the giant glass window

She leads me towards the booth before I sit across from her. She looks around before her eyes widen and she gets up immediately as if she's been burned which causes me to look at her in confusion.

What is her problem?!