

---Late Night Adventures-02

/"You didn't have to do this/" I say as I watch her slowly walk to me before she wraps her arms around me for a hug which I immediately return

/"I wanted to do this. Plus, I won't see you tomorrow so I want to make the most of the couple of hours that we have/" she says with a sad tone which causes me to pout as I pull away and look up at her

/"You said you weren't leaving until after school/" I say as she frowns and looks away from me

/"Change of plans. They need me to be there around twelve/" she says which causes me to completely pull away from her

What did she just say?!

/"They? Twelve? Elaborate please/" I say as I cross my arms since I'm still freezing

/"I can't tell you/" she says which causes me to reach up and rub my temples

If she tells me that phrase one more time, I might lose it.

/"Okay/" I say with an emotionless tone as I go to sit down underneath the blanket