

---What Is Your Problem?-01

/"Aspen, come on/" Charlotte says with an annoyed tone

She's been scolding me for thirty-minutes.

It's the last day of school before Christmas break.

/"It's the last day and it's only half a day/" she shouts in irritation

/"Shut up, my mom is still sleeping/" I say from under my blanket

/"Ugh/" she groans in irritation

/"If you get up I'll buy your food for the whole day/" she says with obvious regret in her tone

/"You should've said that thirty minutes ago/" I say as I get up and walk into the bathroom to get ready

/"I give up/" I hear Charlotte say in disbelief as she throws her arms up in the air


I'm wearing a cropped oversized 'New York' hoodie with ripped skinny jean. I paired it with white high top converse. I left my hair in its natural wavy state.

As I walk out of the bathroom I'm met with an empty room.