

---Museum Threats-01

/"Remember to at least stay four feet away/" I command to Kayden

If my dad actually spills something useful to me I need Kayden to be within hearing distance.

/"Yeah, and record everything/" he says mockingly as he holds up his phone

/"Okay, lets do this/" I say as my heart rate starts to increase from nervousness and my palms start to sweat.

Remember, Aspen, show no emotion.

I fix my posture and walk confidently into the museum.

I quickly spot my father standing near an old airplane model.

I walk up beside him and he greets me without even looking at me.

/"Aspen, you're late/" he says as he continues to admire the aircraft

/"Technically I am right on time, Henry/" I say in a mature tone so that he knows I mean business

He turns to look at me and smirks.