

---The Parents

I groan as I wake up with a pounding headache.

What the hell?!

I don't remember drinking anything with alcohol in it.

I slowly open my eyes only to notice that my wrists and ankles are handcuffed to a wooden chair.

What the hell!

I suddenly remember what happened with my dad at build-a-bear workshop.

I look around and notice that Charlotte, Carolina, and Kayden are all handcuffed too but they're still asleep.

I'm about to scream and try to wake them up but the door to the basement opens and reveals Henry with a smug expression.

/"Oh goody, you're awake/" he says as she strolls over to me

/"The bosses want to meet you/" he says

/"Great, I can't wait to give them a piece of my mind/" I say with a smirk which makes his face fall