


/"What's wrong?/" She asks as she glances over and notices my crossed arms

/"Nothing/" I say with a monotone voice as I turn my head to look out the passenger side window

/"You're lying/" She says as she takes a left turn

/"I said I'm fine/" I say calmly as I observe to calm scenery around us

/"What did I do?/" She asks as she takes a right turn

/"You didn't do anything/" I answer as my eyes land on the giant building with the words 'emergency room' hanging from it

She pulls into the parking lot and parks her car close to the front.

As she's turning off the car I go to open my door only to get stopped by her hand resting on my shoulder.

/"Aspen, we're not leaving this car until you tell me what's bothering you/" she states

/"I already told you, I'm fine/" I say

/"You're not fine, you glared at me then crossed your arms and turned away/" she says