


I roll over and hum in content at the softness of the surface that I'm on.

I slowly open my eyes and see Charlotte fast asleep on her side of the bed. She's laying comfortably on her side and her hair is messily sprawled out over her face and her pillow.

I laugh at her situation before getting up. I open her door and walk out of her room, shutting the door behind myself.

I carefully walk down the stairs since I'm still waking up.

As I enter the kitchen I see Carolina making a huge breakfast.

At the sound of my feet hitting the hard floor her head snaps in my direction.

/"Oh, I'm sorry, I'll just come back later/" I say since she might still blame me for everything

I'm unaware why she would think that I'd want to be involved with something as violent and scary as that, but I can't really judge her since everyone has their suspicions.