

---Study Dates and Secrets-02

/"I never want to go there again/" Kayden says as he slides into the passenger seat of Carolina's SUV

/"Aww, poor baby/" She teases and kisses his cheek

Charlotte and I quickly slide into the backseat of the truck.

I want to hurry up and get out of here, I'm not used to this many people collectively gawking at me.

/"Hey, babe, are you okay?/" Charlotte asks as she gently places her hand over mine

/"Yeah/" I reply shakily as I move my hand and wrap them around her midsection before laying my head on her shoulder

She doesn't seem to mind as she wraps her arms around my waist and places a peck on my head.

As we depart from the school and pull onto the road Charlotte starts to play with my hair.

I can't tell if she's nervous or bored since I'm staring out the window.

/"And to make matters worse, I have homework from every class/" Kayden continues to rant