


/"For the last time, it's a promposal, not proposal/" Charlotte says with an annoyed tone

/"I'm so happy for you guys/" she says completely ignoring Charlotte

Wait a minute.

Prom is in two weeks.

Oh god.

/"Prom is in two weeks/" I say with wide eyes

/"Yeah, I know/" Charlotte says

/"Carolina, you're helping me shop for dresses tomorrow/" I say which causes her to nod her head with an excited facial expression

/"We have school tomorrow, Aspen/" Charlotte says with an eye roll at my randomness

/"School can wait/" I say with a wave of my hand. I walk out of her arms and towards the kitchen.

/"Aspen, that's not how this works/" she yells after me but I continue to make my way into the kitchen.


After school, Carolina took me to the mall immediately after dropping Charlotte and Kayden off at home.

Funnily enough Kayden asked her to our prom too.