

Epilogue 1.0-01

My birthday is tomorrow and I'm freaking out.

Two days ago I was fine, I wasn't even thinking of it.

Now, I can't think of anything else.

Charlotte wanted to help me plan my party, so I let her.

Who wouldn't let their girlfriend help plan their birthday if she wanted to?

That was a bad idea.

People have been questioning Charlotte and I about the party decorations all day.

If I wasn't getting asked the same question every two minutes then maybe it would be different.

I've never wanted to punch an innocent person in the face so bad before.

Oh, Incase you didn't know, I'm turning seventeen in less than twenty four hours.

/"Charlotte fucking Wilder, if you don't get your ass down here in two seconds I'll permanently move into the guest room/" I yell out from the living room

I am so angry at her right now.