/"Sweep wiv Lumen in wittle house?/" His face tilted up towards me, his tired eyes red from where he had been pawing at them and a wide yawn creeping past his lips.
/"It won't be very comfortable in here,/" I told him, shifting slightly. It was actually surprisingly comfortable. The duvet that I had folded on the floor cushioned the hardness of the floor and the pillows were soft. It wouldn't have been the worst nights sleep I had ever had. /"You'll be comfier in your new bed./"
Lumen shook his head. /"No. Lumen king. King's sweep here./"
I chuckled slightly. He could be funny at times, in a very strange, head-scratching sort of way. /"I haven't made you a bottle yet and you haven't got your blanket./"
Lumen shook his head, snuggling deeper into my side, his hand curling into my shirt again. /"Lumen no drink./"