

Lumen's P.O.V

/"Lumen, what are you doing?/"

Daddy say that it no nice to nore people, and I didn't want to make the Appa mad, but I just had to ignore him. Only for a teeny, tiny little bit.

Lying very still and making snorey noises, which sounded like 'Pew-pew-pew-pew-pew', just like the cartooney people, I squeezed my eyes shut tighter.


/"I leeping. Shhh,/" I warned him, peeping to see the nice Appa standing next to the bed. He was looking at me funny. Not cross or scary. Just a different look on his face than usual.

/"Oh. You're sleeping?/"

I nodded. I knew I could trick him! Sometimes I would pretend to be asleep when daddy looky at me, then shout 'BOO!' and he get super scared. I no want to shout boo at the Appa. I no want to scawe him.