We changed them before we took them downstairs. Lumen wasn't even interested in picking his clothes. He only interest had been in being a difficult pain in the butt. He had insisted upon holding my hand the entire time he was laid down on the mat. It made changing him hard, but we managed.
Because Jonathan was a sap, both boys ended up dressed similarly. Lumen had red dungarees with a blue top, and Ember wore blue dungarees with a red top. Though, even if the colour scheme didn't set them apart, the gashes that coated Lumen's flesh, his face, his arms, legs, and everywhere those blood-sucking bastards had attached themselves, would have.
The house seemed unnaturally quiet, but as we came down, Clyde Lavoe and Axe Custer were quietly nattering away the table. They both froze when they saw us. Axe stood, smiling slightly.
/"Never thought I'd be pleased to see you,/" he said softly, /"But here I am, ready to offer you coffee./"