/"I missed you so much! I was so freaking worried. You have no idea how angry and upset I was, and how badly I tried to find you all. Oh, Lumen? Is he okay? He was asleep when I saw him and I didn't want to wake him up./"
Pushing the kid back, which was a feat because his grip was like iron, I was struck by a most bizarre realisation. I had missed him. Like Jonathan and Lumen, over these last few months, he had become another pain in the ass fixture in my life. Barely a day was spent without seeing him.
/"He wanted to see you earlier,/" I said, jerking my chin towards Lumen, who was still out cold. Jonathan had risen to his feet, but was frozen in place by the way Lumen's arm had snaked out, wrapping around his foot. /"But didn't want to wake you guys./"
/"You should have woken us,/" Clarke denied, shaking his head. /"I waited and I waited so I could see you guys when you woke up, but then I fell asleep and I missed it./"