

/"The name sounds familiar,/" Lucien admitted. It did. It tickled against something inside his head, but like a fading dream — the more he tried to reach for it, the quicker it faded out of reach. /"But I dunno. Should I know who it is?/"

/"He sang that song, The Space Between?/"

/"Oh! The ones that goes, 'All of the space between, it's taking us further away from who we're meant to be?/"

/"Aww! Your singing voice is adorable, babes! But yeah. That's Sly's Daddy./"

/"But . . ../" Lucien trailed off. That meant . . . wow! That meant he'd almost met somebody famous!

Even weirder— famous people could be Daddies?

/"The security was because they had a few issues recently. But enough about that! Tell me what you thought of him. Amazing, right?/"

Which, of course, was an open invitation for him to gush how much he liked his new friend. Ronan listened to it all with a radiant grin.