

Thunder clashed against the pitch-black sky, a deafening snarl that vibrated deep beneath the waves. The ship, The Angeline, was rocked from side to side, battling against the tremendous curtains of waves. The icy spray of the sea, cold and unforgiving, splashed against them, eating into their cheeks like acid.

In the streak of illuminous blue that split the sky, a lone figure was revealed. Tall and fierce, wielding a sword, Hooksy the pirate swung from the flagpole, landing on the side of the ship with an acrobatic grace, throwing in a couple of backflips while he was at it. He grinned menacingly, revealing a row of golden teeth.

/"Ahoy, my tiny matey,/" he said with a sinister cackle. /"Time to hand over your socks, or walk the plank!/"

With a squeal, his hand tightening around his own pirate figure namedPeter, because Sly had got him slightly addicted to Peter Pan, he risked a peek at Hooksy's puppeteer.