Chapter 7

#Chapter 7

---Christmas miracle

Christmas break is here, my heart is still broken but I'm starting to cope better. I still get nightmares every night but I'm used to it now, I don't scream anymore I just cry in silence. I'm hiding my pain the best I could, it's the holiday season but I never received any gifts or gifted any. When I was young we were asked to draw a pic for our parents, I did the best drawing any six year old’s can master, I decorate it with glitters and went home running to show it to my grandpa. When I gave him my drawing he slapped me on the face and told me to get out of his sight.

I stopped drawing ever since, maybe if I had a mother she would've hang it on the fridge. I itch my chest for the millions time, it hurt the whole in my chest, how can I miss something I never had.