Chapter 15

#Chapter 15

---Second chances

I've been thinking about that kiss, about him asking for a chance, I hardly slept since then.

Today's Sunday, church day, I need to get going, I can't be late.

When I arrive to church I saw grandpa talking with Rylie, when he saw me coming he motion for me to get closer.

Rylie shoot me a smile, the one I would've died for before, the one that made my inside melt. Well not anymore, his smile make my skin crawl, it feel fake just like him.

/"Nicholas, this young man just volunteered to help us in this year town celebration. He goes to same school as you and is a great kid, I want you two to work together/" my grandpa say.

He can't be serious Rylie isn't a great kid!! He's a drug dealer for fucks sake and work together why!!