Chapter 19

#Chapter 19


Nicholas POV

It's been three years, I left that town, I now live in a big city, I go to college, I go to work and I'm openly gay now.

Mommy I hope you're proud of me, I did what you couldn't do. I still feel like something is missing every second and ever moment, the pain never left. I stopped with the happy pills, well I still need them from time to time when the pain get too much for me to take.

Breathing got easier, I breath in the pain, it became a part of me. I don't fight with my demon any more we're friends now, we're one.

I read somewhere online that you can summon the devil, that if you do all the correct step he'll come for you. Well I decided to try, if I only can get one more chance with him, if only I can say a proper goodbye.