Chapter 21

#Chapter 21

---Drag me to hell

Rylie POV

Finding Nicholas wasn't the hard part what to come is, I take a deep breath and walk in. Nicholas is a waiter in a cafe close to his school, it pays the bills while he's in school with a scholarship. But he's also under some powerful demons protection, it's gonna be tricky to get close enough to him.

Thankfully I don't smell like a demon, but they all know I look, I have a hood covering my hair and some dark sunglasses hiding half my face. I chose a table in the corner and wait for Nicky to come get my order.

/"Hello, I'm Nick your waiter for the day can I take your order/" Nick says, his voice different, it's more mature and got more confidence in it but I can also hear the pain in it, he might have left that town but the pain never left him.

/"I'll have the waffle special/" I say still lost looking at Nick.