Chapter 24

#Chapter 24

---Prince of Hell

Lucifer POV

Nicholas is here in hell with me, how did he even make it here. His soul was pure white as it always been, I knew when he died he would go to heaven so why he's here. When I touched him I understood he wasn't dead. Not yet but my fire had burned and injured him, the fire of my anger, of my pain over losing him.

He told me love me, the words I was dying to hear but then I felt one of my reaper behind me, I tried to stop him from taking my soul away from me but he doesn't obey me.

Once Nicholas body went limp in my arms I let out a scream of pure agony. A scream that filled hell, that overwhelmed all screams of the damned. If I thought my heart broke when I had to leave earth without him I was wrong, this is the true heartbreak, this is the true pain.

I'll never see my beloved again, I bow my head down and close my eyes, too hurt and numb to do anything else.