

Nate wasn't here when I woke up the next morning. My feet guided me to the next room, the kitchen, the shower and even the garage.

But he wasn't here. When I finally arrived in the kitchen, I noticed that the coffee was still hot, waiting for me in my favourite mug. A plate of English breakfast sat on the table. Knowing that Nate had stayed here till the morning made me smile.

My chest was full, my smile beaming. I pulled the mug from under the machine and took a sip. The coffee was hot, but exactly what I needed this morning. I looked around my kitchen, most of the appliances were here already except the washer and dryer which I still needed to outsource and buy.

After sitting quietly with my coffee and breakfast I headed upstairs to dress in some presentable clothes that would be suitable to meet the delivery men by my gates. I spent the next two hours in my new home, my dad came over with the delivery guys and helped bring in the boxes.