

/"Is that all you got?/"

Carl crawled to his feet; wiping the spilled blood that oozed from his bottom lip as he stood up tall.

He raised his hands; balling his fist around his silver knuckles he had made for a time like this.

His victim, a hostile vampire, had also taken a few vicious attacks that Carl had inflicted on him.

/"I’ll be finished here in a minute girls./" Carl exhaled with exhaustion.

/"Are you sure about that?/"

Carl had two remaining vampires left. He knew he did not have the strength to take them both on but he was set on trying.

He was willing to take another hit. He was willing to take on a few more blows until he was down.

/"You are a strong human./" One stood over Carl's fallen body, smiling in triumph as his prey laid weak beneath his boot.

/"Did you think your gadgets could take us on?/"

He kicked the devices from Carl's hands.