


A cool breeze blew into my window. Good thing too because I felt sweaty as hell.


Who opened the window?

I shook off the thought and focused on other things. Like my need for the bathroom. I jumped up and walked across the tan carpet and over the bedroom door.

All of that liquor from last night was coming back to bite me in the ass.

I peeked out the door and tip toed down the hall.

Where the hell is the bathroom again?

So many damn doors. Boy, I wish they get a sign or something.

It was still early so I knew everyone was still asleep so I didn't want to wake anyone. But I didn't want to piss on myself neither.

Time to make a random guess here.

I gripped the door knob to a random door and held my breath slightly. I exhaled, wishing myself luck as I pushed it open, only to come in contact with what seems like a closet.