Chapter 9 this will be the future of warfare

2 weeks later.

Alex was sitting on the chair and signing away papers, and beyond him was the Sigfried army; they were training as the instructor moved to them and guided them with the new weapons. Sitting next to him was Duke Dimitri, and he was drinking coffee, which was foreign to this continent, but Alex had trade connections to the Terad Desert.

in the Baldir continent, and he mainly buys 8 metric tons of coffee beans and even started planting them, although not many, so he can still provide for himself. After signing the last paper, he stretched his hands and handed them to Kalvin.

"Well, Duke, I'm done with the paperwork. Let's tour around the training area."

After Alex's speech, the soldiers grew in numbers and also in morale, and seeing the weapons, they swore never to betray the man. But during the day, he received letters from the nobles that were concerned that they would get invaded, but it would not happen due to the patrolling of Draconian soldiers since he ordered 50 elite soldiers to patrol the borders and threaten the kingdoms with economic sanctions.

30 minutes later

They arrive in the swordsman area, and when Alex saw their practice was about to start again, he chose a lightweight metal mixture and armor and saw them forming a shieldwall as a bull charged towards them.

"Hold your positions; do not break!" the instructor shouted.

The group of 10 soldiers were a little scared but held their ground, and when the bull crashed


The bull crashed with full force, but they were pushed back a little, and some had to cough up their food since the force made them vomit.

But this was effective; it means they can counter heavy cavalry and not break their line, and Alex moved to another section of the archer grounds and saw the archers moving fast, and their job was simple: fire arrows while moving and hiding.

They fired shot after shot, piercing the iron armor like the heart and the head, and were forced to fight like infantry.

He nodded since it's more effective to have an officer per 30 archer units and a tactical chief commanding over 100 units.

Then I moved to the cavalry ground and saw cavalrymen charging in a not very tight formation, and Alex introduced the trident technique, which is only used when there's a massive charge.

The cavalrymen raised their lances and aimed at the wooden logs in front of them.


The lances stabbed through the logs, but the lances didn't snap, and the log got shattered. After that, they continued forward and saw the target boards and threw their spears like javelins, and some landed the hit, but others did not.

Soon they draw swords, maces, and war hammers and keep charging, aiming for the iron armor.

"Keep charging; I don't care if your arm breaks; we can heal them!" said the instructor on the wooden tower.

And hearing that, they charged and swung down, and after smashing it, some felt a surge of pain and screamed, but they removed the weapon and focused on the other target.

And yes, this was cavalry training, but in a form to create powerful soldiers since this would be the standing army of this empire. For nearly 4 months, training would continue, and the capital began glowing since a large stockpile of Glasera ore was carved and placed as street lights.

The neighboring nobles were unhappy and sent their private forces to raid the villages around the capital, but an unknown group killed all of the neighboring nobles, placing them under the spear of Alex.

Siegfried Imperial Palace...

Alex was sitting on the throne with a table in front of him where he signed away documents, and over the table was a black-cloaked man bowing in front of Alex, and then the man spoke.

"We removed the nobles from their seats and moved their families somewhere they couldn't return to your majesty as you said." The tone was neutral and awaiting a response.

Alex placed the paper down and spoke as he rested his face on his left closed arm.

"Indeed, you did a good job, Axatel, and with that, spread your agents to the South and make sure we can crumble their command structure and spread them also to the other noble territories and make sure there's somewhere for our soldiers to infiltrate their keeps and kill them when operation Black Rose begins."

The cloaked man stood up, and his face could be seen a little, but it was covered by a mask, and the skin was chocolate brown. When he bowed, black smoke covered him and dissipated.

Alex stood up from the throne and moved to a certain room that was heavily guarded and needed an energy frequency activator.

Alex closed the door behind him and gazed at the book on the table. He found that book during his travels on other continents, and when he founded it, legend says an advanced empire ruled over Drasia and had advanced armies and an air force that could kill birds. They recorded all of their weapons and technological advancements in a book called Fedian Libro, which can only be accessed by someone who reaches the threshold of humanity.

Alex gazed at the book and placed his hand over it and placed his powers over it, and soon the book glowed and levitated away from the table. Then the book opened and its pages furled to the other page and another, and then it stopped, and blue energy covered the room and showed what was written on the pages.

"The MD-1 gram," Alex spoke

Then the pages started moving and stopping and showed schematics of a copy of the M1 Grand.


Then the page showed different styles of fortresses, and Alex started checking if they were cost-effective and reliable, picking one design, and deciding on the great fortress wall.

He picked up his pen and paper and began drawing it, and after 10 redraws, he finally finished and closed the book, and the room returned to normal. He left the room and headed to the newly established military high command, bringing a file for his plan. When he gets crowned, he will control the empire as a whole.

He entered the room and saw the officers from Draconia and Duke Dimitri as they moved figures around the map of the Siegfried Empire and the neighbors and drew a supply route from the Draconia Port Heidi to the fortress syntax towards the capital.

"Should we construct a tunnel from the fortress to the capital?" one of the officers asked.

"We could, but it's an expensive venture; we must dig over 300 km from the fortress to the capital fortress, Jude, and we must still place foundations to hold the tunnel, and we need to hire laborers and earth benders to keep the tunnel from collapsing."

They all nodded, and since it will take 8 years to finish

"I approve the venture since, when I am crowned, I will transfer the capital to Draconia because I see Draconia better than this capital," Alex said suddenly, announcing his presence.

"Your majesty, are you sure?" Duke Dimitri felt shock. He knew that Draconia would be annexed, but transferring the capital was too much.

"Don't worry, Duke Dimitri, the capital will be held as it is and be called the second capital, and once I control all of Sigfried, I will advance the infrastructure. I bought a new type of fortress that will guard our borders."

He walked to the large table, spread the drawing, and showed the drawing, and when everyone saw it, they were a little shocked.

In each border region, there will be a main military base that will house the supply depot and training ground with the high command, and spread near the border, a long trench system will be placed and a small fortress where people can enter the empire.

"I want you to begin building in the south to begin protecting it from brigands, and that will be our defensive and offensive wall for our future campaign."

Alex planned to unite the South once he was crowned, so for now he plans to build and modernize.

1 year later...

Alex was on port beta, and it was a military port, and there were different ships, and it was a new type of ship, a steam ship outfitted like a WW2 destroyer, but it was a prototype, and he saw three of them ready to be launched since he planned to use it without anyone's knowledge, and he planned to copy a battleship in the book but not instead due to the attention it might get.

"My lord, we are ready to launch," the engineer spoke as he bowed slightly.

"Ship DRS Alatina, Drasul, and Chremia and launch them."

Soon the ship's chain snapped off and was dropped by a rail system towards the water.

The three destroyers were afloat for 30 minutes, and it was a success.

Everyone cheered, and Alex stood up and jumped towards the boat.

And landing on the floor where the one-barrel guns are placed, he gazed at them with a smile and spoke.

"Well, it's time to go."

Soon the ship's crew, who were trained, boarded and started up the engine.

"This will be the future of warfare."

He gazed at the sea and beyond.

"Time to head to the trade union of the Heldian archipelago."

Next Chapter.....