chapter 17 Letters from olympus

Alex slowly opened eyes because of the sound of footsteps and horse sounds and when he fully opened his eyes he saw Artemis carrying two bowls of soup and when he was about to stand up artemis force him down to the bed and spoke

"Your powers are not controlled rest for a while"

Alex didn't say anything and nodded and lie back down

"Tell me Alex what happened in the in dome after a few minutes in their the dome crack and large roar that caused the soldiers to crow in fear and the earth shake accompanied by A large explosion that caused pangea or even the world to shake what being you fought that was on equal footing as you"

Alex tried to remember much until he spoke one word that caused Artemis to shiver


"Wait Athena!, thee athena the most strongest goddess in olympus and died and getting reincarnated"

Alex somewhat nodded and begin speaking on what happened

Minutes later

After talking and eating to artemis she decided to end it and spoke once more

"Your army is well armed is there a chance to purchase them?"

"Not allowed i cannot sell them even if territory is given"

So she left the area and decided to begin working on her army

Alex got a 10 minute nap and stood up and change his clothes to normal civilian attire since his armor is on laundry he left his tent and walk towards the infirmary and spotted a group of soldiers eating in a camp fire along with Athena's hunter and some soldiers in olympus and often than not he saw Female olympus soldiers with Draconia Soldiers and going towards their tent and decided everything is set in balance and head off to the infirmary

Arriving at the infirmary he saw soldiers on beds being treated after fracturing a bone and some they got a mental burnout and right now just taking a small rest and he talk to some soldiers who were trying to stand but Alex stop them and gave them some rewards

After leaving the infirmary he went to the front line and heard the howitzers going off as them were beginning the bombardment Alex saw the line of trenches and spoke

"Atleast we only lost some ammo not men" he then proceeded pulling binoculars and begin looking around

Titan soldiers who were desperate tried to breakthrough the blockade but were gun down or either blown up by the landmines

Alex saw a large pool of blood which he plans not to interfere

That his mark of this battle and unleashing the weapons

"I think its time to attack"

Alex head back and call up his officers for a military council

Alex saw the row of soldiers and a large map sprawl in the middle and spoke

"Men we are going to attack and i want half of our soldiers to be mustered and attack the camp everyone must converge in that point the rest will protect and kill off stranglers"

Everyone saluted and gear up for the last battle and Alex decided not to join and just command the army

A few hours laters

Alex was with the infantry and he brought 2 mortar squads and 3,000 of the 7,000 forbidden cavalry and Artemis decided to be the sniper since she was not in a good condition also

1 hours later

They arrive in the vicinity and Alex ordered the mortars to be set up as the the first shell was fired and caused a medium explosion and Alex raised his hand and ordered the army to surge forward except for 150 cavalry men acting as his guard

Their bayonets aimed towards the wall the boots made drumming sounds and their rifles create sound of chandeliers hitting each other that what the witness and writer walsen gerdin a forbidden cavalrymen as he see the the soldiers not screaming to preserve their energy and he was proud to join this army and he will see it rise and downfall but never to be remembered until they check his memoir

The battle was hand to hand combat as soldiers tried to secure the camp but but the distance was more closer causing them to fight someone taller than them and even innocent deaths since entering a tent can cause their death so they assist the Draconia infantry that threw grenades and flashbangs

After fighting brutally for a few hours they won but not without 300 death and 5 of them are Draconian soldiers and the rest are olympus soldiers

"All right atleast we can return back" Alex said with sigh and moved forwards towards the camp and saw the weapons

"Order our soldiers to pick up any kind of armor and weapon we can still use the and load them up"

Soon the soldiers hastily pick up the weapons some broken and some not and after 2 hours they loaded them up to carts and begin moving to the camp

Next day

Artemis spoke to Alex as both armies stood separately

"Are you sure your not gonna join me back to olympus you know your the hero right and zeus and the other gods finished their operation up in the north?"

Alex shook his head and spoke

"Sorry but i cannot allow to delay this further i have far more pressing issues in Draconia and Sigfried and tell them im busy rather than attending a ceremony that wil take days" Alex turned his rains and left towards Draconia or to be exact he will ride a ship

1 week later


Zues was rubbing his head and Artemis just stood there and with a look of 'See i told you he finished his work and give him peace'

"Damn, hermes send messengers to Draconia Summon Alex with the god kings order to bring him to olympus for the awarding ceremony"

Hermes nodded and elft the hall and alvos was chuckling a bit and spoke

"Brother give him some peace he needs to deal with issues in his city state and the empire i left him" Alvos spoke as he leaned back to his seat and knows if they call Alex if his on a high work schedule they well be met with an army

"No he needs to come here and receive the reward and a feast for his deeds in battle!" And zeus words were final Alvos sighed and the other gods nodded in agreement since Alex single handedly killed a great general of Chronos


Unknown Testing grounds

Alex oversee new weapons that were being tested as soldiers fire different kinds of firearms and explosives

And Alex look to the other side as steam locomotives move around elevated ground and armored trains were fired by arrows to test if there worthy for the military military

Alex decided to check the document on what are the weapons to be tested

They were the M17 as for the secondary firearm for the Armed forces with the a rocket propelled grenade for stress testing 50 cal sniper rifle and lastly a submachine gun for the forbidden cavalry

Alex place the document down and left from his seat and head back to his castle were the minister of foreign affairs meet him

"My lord Alex, we have received two letters, one from Zeus and another one from hedian trade union. Which one would you like to read first?"

"Let's go with the Hedian union what does it say?"

Soon the minister begin speaking the contents and when he finished Alex had somewhat had a disappointed face and spoke

"Repay them for the damage seriously!? We practically did a favor for them not to stem the civil war for much longer" Alex stop speaking and begin deep in thought and an idea pop in his head

"Minister draft a response stating we have no intention to pay and the way we destroy thier island and city is a gift and tell them we would like to purchase an island located somewhere southwest and 200km away from pangea the island they own tell them that and the vessels escorting the diplomat is our newly launch dreadnaught and 3 destroyers"

The minister wrote down the orders and nodded

"Then let's move on to the olympus letter"

The minister spoke before opening the letter

"Um my lord when the letter was sent they were 5 pegasus knights telling that don't make the king Zues wait or else he will send his own knights to drag you back to olympus"

After hearing it Alex instantly frowned and spok

"Ok add more military orders i want my newly equipped 1st corps mobilize within 24 hours and within two days were marching to olympus and send some of my chaos brigade to arrest those pegasus knights, we will being them along on our march and send a letter to ares and Alvos i want them to order the olympus border guard to allow my soldiers to pass"

The minister did not reply because he felt the silent anger of his liege so he just wrote down and left and Alex he gaze at the map of pangea and begin routing were to march his army and decided in the center of the continent he's gonna march near the Galion mountains

Were people think is suicidal due to the roaming titans but Alex found a quick rout when he 500km deep he will go for a right turn since theres a gap in the mountains and thearch is gonna take 2 weeks

After mapping out the route he head to his private forge were he begin forging a temporary blade for his use and after the blade he turn towards his mask he pull out a small leather sack carrying his shattered mask he place it on the flaming pot and it melted and he drew his combat knife and the blood drop at the pot and Alex begin to speak an unknown and language and begin to mix other metal and on of those materials was a red scale which has no information of.

2 weeks later

Alex finished his business and riding his war steed behind him his soldiers clad in black uniforms and there black chest plate shimmering in the light and right now there 2 days away from the olympus capital and over 50,000

Soldiers the infantry have their rifles slung to the back and cavalry move in the flanks and artillery pulled by 4 horses Alex plan was simple give a statement that zeus can't move him anywhere

Thus this event was called when zeus was nearly de throned from olympus and people would pass stories as they see black armored soldiers invade olympus

And at the moment the Zues doesn't know yet

To be continued