Chapter 27 2 years later

2 years later

2 years have passed ever since Alex took the throne and unified the entire southern part of the continent and it was a time were the Draconian empire advance not in their lands but also in their technological advancement and people 

Alex since the 1st year faced some problems in rampant banditry and privacy in his borders and waters so he decided he sent his imperial Army that was using dark red cloth as their uniform with the insignia in their right shoulder and have 12 mag pouch carrier across their belt and and their service pistol was switch to m19 pistol and can fire 20 rounds and the option of silencers were developed but only given to the special forces

The forbidden cavalry developed into the best mobile cavalry and can fight in different terrain and use different weapons and many empires tried copying them even bribe but lastly they decided to kidnap but failed and after many scenarios Alex decided to let the Assassin X become the new commanders and the commanding general is the Assassin X leader 

1 and half year later New medical knowledge was introduced and after that knowledge was known to the public the nearby countries tried to declare war and invade but simply underestimate the power of the Transportation were the empire stormed their borders and a new weapon was introduced but it was never revealed to the people

The Lancaster a 4 propeller engine bomber and only 10 were created as prototype and after different test they can reach in the northern part of pangea but needed a refuel after flying back and they develop a different type of 4 propeller transport called the Gryphon continental and can carry 2,000 tons and with the help of light weight runes it can fill up with no problem

Over 1,000 soldiers can be filled

Alex created an hierarchy for the demonic realm and sent soldiers to experience battle and it took 2 months to finish and presented and all agreed above them is the Demon emperor who controls all territory and Supreme Commander in chief of the army while the demon kings are governers of their territories and have a an army of over 100,000 to keep the peace and order and the Imperial demonic army will have over 20 legions and over 1 million soldiers will under those banners the 1st and 2nd legion will be the emperor's capital army will the rest focus protection and expansion into the unknown regions

Back to the present 


Alex was in his officer signing the document of the chaos Legion and its stated over 100 legions must be established but for the 1st year 15 legions must be made and over 300,000 soldiers will e under those legions and over the years will reach the capacity of 1 million and the Empires industry can handle it since the population has grown over 1.10 billion citizens in the south and many nations and powerful empires from other continents are jealous but Elfrina the elven dominated continent just ignore it since their population is over 10 billion and the eastern side are jealous 

Alex prepared a war against chronos and sent the imperial air force to bomb and destroy any ground of mobilization for his army and when the first aircraft carriers introduced he sent the navy to bombard and begin clandestine operation and Alex sent 300,000 soldiers and general Ben to increase the territory they control in the central continent and planned to create industrial cities and right now Alex was missing something

'Amazing fighters or to be exact talented generals he needed them and right now its only him so that list that i ask must be here" Alex look for the list in his pile of paper and found it 

"Okay first on the list its just near or he's located in the east Lightning emperor Ronald a talented martial artist even Zues might lose to him and he's not serving any other nation just leads a Dojo and he's located in the largest lake and in the middle is his island domain many empires tried recruiting him but failed even talented warriors lost to him so his the first person on my list"

Alex prepared to leave in 2 months and for now he's gonna have a once a month minister meeting were the different minister gives the monthly report alex begin heading to the meeting area and after a few minutes he was greeted by two imperial guards were they give him the roman style salute were alex ordered to be used with in the imperial guard

"Greeting your majesty" one of the minister spoke up and the other begin greeting were Alex responded back and after sitting in the front of the long table and in front of them was projector containing all of the reports

"So everybody is gathered then lets start the meeting"

"Alright ill go first" the minister of finance spoke 

He stood up and got near to the screen and spoke

"Over the past month we have seen growth in our exports and with the earnings generated we have over 500 million Dracs a year and our inflation is kept at a healthy 1% and we planned to be self sufficient in case our trade got cut off we can survive since we have stock ourselves in the necessities" he finished and soon another minister step forward

"I'm the minister of military defense and war and the status of the military is a great boon since we begin propaganda of our recruitment to the army and right now we have 2.5 million soldiers active and serving different branches and the major branch is the army following the navy and lastly is the airforce but right now with the current capabilities of the military we can wipe out the horde of chronos but it will be taught to deal with him" he spoke and drank a glass of water and continued

"But if we still continue to increase our military and economy we will be a double edge sword to the whole world we might be the peacekeepers or the destroyers and your majesty the secret project that you authorize to make is in 50% in progress and after a final test we will begin production and soon we will replace the uniforms with newer standard for all terrains but a few for designated special regions and for our military bases we have located a kingdom but currently we will observe and its location is at the very south of our continent and we have found another super continent and their very ancient and we have stationed a fleet there in case we need to invade or evacuate and lastly is the operation Fortress currently we are securing our gains in the north and west and have built huge airfields and have our fighters ready to move out and if you gave us the order to secure our borders over 800,000 personnel will move in and secure the place" he finished and sat back down

Soon the head of the intelligence department stood up and he was AX the leader of the assassin X

 "Your majesty we are here to give you the report this month and i will begin first is that the political climate in olympus is somewhat negative towards you due to your non involvement to the war against chronos and planned to bribe our soldiers and turn against us but gladly i sent in a task force to disrupt their plan and right now the hera faction is planning to take power but not now but soon shes gathering soldiers and material but we are closely observing her and our reports stated she tried to seduce the general that was in charge of the corps we stationed but thanks to the nearby soldiers shooing her away it was foiled"

He soon turn to different photos on the screen and showed territory of the east

"Currently their were large scale raids and invasion and the person investing in those kinds were from the Gran cathay empire trying to drain our resources so they can invade and take over the region but we slowly reinforce and develop the defense and we were able to ward them off"

Soon he turned to another photo and showed the west

"As of now multiple nations are trying to spy us and attempted to steal our tech because before they touch the border we instantly observe their every move and arrest them when caught and for now we are safe to say that we are clear of any hostiles but i'm not sure we can keep our country secured when we go to war against chronos and again our technology will make anyone go for us and right now everyone is watching closely" he finished and sat back down and slowly other ministers stated their reports were all positive and mostly negative but that cant threaten the empire

Alex stood up and spoke to everyone present

"Im proud that everyone turn this empire to stabilize one and from my deadline is closing in i will be leaving in 2 months but before i leave i want you to prepare the army to war at any time and plus im meeting with delegates from another continent soon after this meeting is done" he went back to his seat and soon they begin finalizing the report and gave suggestions and the Scientific department also begin experimenting with magic and since Alex decided to allow them to test

"And thats all for the meeting i hope were prepared for the year end reports"

He stood up and left the room and head to the throne room were the delegates from the another continent came to request and audience

Alex saw them and they wore an fashion almost a similar fashion a few years ago when Alex introduced it to world and started exporting 

"May i know you names and state the nation your from?" Alex questioned them and the middle one stood up 

"My name is Ludos harin and on the left of me is my leader of the guards and on my right is my assistant and were from the Novoros principality and from the continent of tyrell and our wish here is the support for our nation"

[Author: this is from a youtube video from the templin institute and just appreciate their work i don't own this. It's just a reference and I would like to continue the story.]

Alex raised an eyebrow and spoke

"Why my nation what support do you need but lets not continue here lets go for a more comfortable setting" he stood up and guided them to a nearby room were theres couches and some light food and they sat comfortably and Alex with his imperial guard in his back and continued

"So to continue i need more context on this why your nation is in need for support"

Ludos breath in and begin speaking

"Our nation is at war with a coalition of elfs and dwarves before we are just a puppet state controlled by two empires and just exchanged and when they decided to annex us an Elven empire but we refuse and they begin invading us but during their time of fighting each other we develop our nations military and we have discovered steam engines"

Alex widen his eyes and saw that nation was able to tap into that knowledge but for now he listened

"And we begin producing different kinds of machines and deadly weapons and while the Garbos Empire was busy fighting among themselves and we develop and when the time they send those atrocious demands they declare war and they sent an army of over 100,000 elves and they were ancient who cut down our father to grandfathers and ancestors" he clench his fist and anger seep through him and for a while he calmed down

"So tell me is it filled with elves but are the humans the minority there or they outnumber the other species?" Alex wanted to know more since this piqued his interest 

"All in all we are about 200 million but in our nation were about 80 million and we are the lowest in that population most of all we lost in the wars against them and thanks to our innovation we thought we could get treated as equals but failed and now they wants us erased off the map" he spoke

"But whats the war progression?" Alex wanted to know since this might be his chance to have an overseas puppet or ally

"Currently we are in a stalemate but since we wanted to expand we tried but dont have the resources to commit an offensive and right now we are just force a defensive war we need the resource and land to begin manufacturing it" 

Alex digested the information and spoke

"Alright i will help i will go personally with 20,000 soldiers and a fleet to support you and just give me the weapons your using and ammunition so i can begin production and in return do you wish to serve under me because after this war you will be our protector and you will have full autonomy but cant do anything against my empire but i will make sure you can deal your own problems"

They were in shock he will help them as long as they serve under him but they have full autonomy

"But what will happen to the neighboring empires what if they strike back" he was worried after peace they will wait for a few hundred years

"Don't worry i have the weapons to destroy economically and tomorrow give me the blueprints so i can begin and i will build an embassy"

Alex finished talking to them and left the room and planned to continue talking tomorrow and Alex rode in the new vehicles called the helicopters and there still in the testing stages

A few hour later 

Alex arrived in the island that was isolated and protected by two the most advanced destroyers and an army of special forces soldiers equip with the experimental weapons and right now Alex purpose coming here is obvious looking at the progress of his current experiments

"Sir were glad your here right now we need your eyes on a new invention that could help increase the population"

Alex nodded and followed by his guard entered in the facility and while walking in the large corridor he saw people fighting close combat with their rifle with a blunt bayonet and some are wrestling and saw some firing weapons with no optics at impossible distances

After taking a turn he saw kids taking notes and when he look at the board it was an officer and teaching them at a very advance level of warfare

"Your majesty their the next officers of thai empire by the time you declare war there ready to serve since we feed them with growth pills they will reach adulthood in a matter of 2 years" one of the scientist spoke with confidence

Alex just slightly nodded since he approve this project a year ago and right now it was showing progress and hes checking the first group that finished training

Alex entered a large room were men in square formations and 1 officer in front of them and they stood there and waited for new orders and they wore total black uniforms with stahlhelm helmets and an iron mask that they could design and there over a division size and there also the first test group of Spartan's

A soon as Alex was seen they immediately saluted and Alex saluted back and spoke to the military overseeing

"They will be soon deployed with me i want them to see in action with the weapons" Alex finished and the officer nodded and Alex walk through the square and inspected and nodded it was a mix of men and woman but were combat disciplined and left the room heading to his next agenda

"So whats the progress of 'that'?" Alex ask the lead scientist

"Well your majesty 'that' is still over 40% completion and were in a dead lock because we need to make the core"

Soon they arrived in a observing room and saw the thing beyond the window

It was something that the empire was trying to trial and test 

To be continued