Operation continues and new arrivals


Forward Operating Base

"Sir, they fully captured Karakow, and the 3rd group is reaching the mountain fortress," said one of the communications officers.

"All right, what's the progress of the others?" He turned to the strategic group who were using the TV screen as whiteboards.

"We have total capture of the eastern side of the region and the north, but we need more support units on the west. Even once we've captured the fortress, we would be dealing with enemy attacks," said one of the generals.

"Might be, but she pulled in all of her best soldiers from her kingdom, and right now all she has is recruits and conscripted soldiers. Even her air dragon force is not present, so we have total domination of the skies," Jin said.

After a few minutes of their talk, a soldier came up with a piece of paper.

"Sir, it seems like she received the news of her nation under attack," said the soldier. When Jin grabbed the paper to begin reading, he smiled a bit and spoke.

"Well, once our offensive operations are over, we will begin marching with 40,000 soldiers to the battlefield against her and the Night King and put them under our terms," he said, and everyone nodded.

Port City of Caprin, Draconian Empire

A military transport ship docked at the pier, and onboard were the special forces soldiers from the Novoros deployment. Onboard was the princess and the special forces captain, wearing his uniform, and behind him were his men in civilian attire.

"So, this is the Draconian Empire," she said as she looked at the squadron of fighter jets flying overhead and saw three transport helicopters flying overhead.

"Yes, but not the capital. We will be taking a scenic route by train, and our trip will last for two days. Once we arrive in Draconia, we will be heading to the palace since the emperor wants a debrief of myself and to meet you," he said while leading the checklist.

He turned to the destroyers and other military ships docked at the pier.

"Well, at least we have two hours to roam around the city, and since it's noon, let's go to a restaurant to get lunch," he said and grabbed her hand, dragging her to a nearby restaurant.

A few minutes later

They both sat at the table and were currently reading the menu, and the special forces team went into different directions while the captain was tasked to bring her to the capital.

"Well, let's get the fish soup called Sinigang and one cup of rice and a tomahawk steak," he said to the waiter who was listing down the orders.

"And what type of dessert would you like?" he asked.

"Well, can I get the vanilla ice cream?" the elven princess said, currently wearing a female Draconian military dress.

"Sure, your orders will be brought in 10 minutes," the waiter slightly bowed and left the two of them, and both of them began to speak.

"So, why did the emperor of the Draconian Empire want to speak to me?" she asked.

"Well, in the future, he will begin a massive invasion and create balance in your continent, and you will be the representative of your kind in order to smoothen out the new order," he said since he was briefed on the objectives in the continent.

"I see, but he can choose other monarchs to be the representative, and why me?" she asked, and the captain just sighed and spoke.

"Well, look, we did a profile on you and did a hard investigation, and we know your personality, your likes and dislikes, your hobbies, and your timetable on where you go in your pastimes, and I know your name, Quinella," he said with a smirk, and she was just shocked by the bombshell he dropped.

"Then can I ask your real name?" she asked.

"Sorry, but protocol says that we cannot say our real names, so for now, call me Graves," he said, and when they finished talking, the food arrived and was placed on their table.


"Enjoy your food," said the waiter.

Graves cut a piece of the meat, scooped up the soup, and placed it on the rice, beginning to eat and shivering in delight at the food.

"That was good," he said, and Quinella also smiled upon tasting the food.

A few minutes later

After eating, they left the restaurant after paying and were exploring the rest of the port.

Market center

They arrived at the market center, window shopping since they hadn't found anything interesting.

"Do they sell weapons here?" she asked, as ever since she arrived, she didn't see a stall where weapons and armor were being sold.

"Well, they are not allowed to have these types of shops in the empire, only three per city, and they are supervised by the police and must have a permit in order to open up," he said.

"But why doesn't that make the economy go down? And what if monsters come and attack?" she asked, since in her country, those weapon shops are used to sell weapons or they can be requisitioned immediately.

"Well, we have the national guard and some military bases nearby, and they take care of the monsters that pop up and give the materials to the department of processing in order to sell off parts," he said.

"I see. So, you don't rely on hunters and adventurers?"

"Yes, since we have a strong military, and if they try to cause chaos, we will lay waste to them," he said, as he was given some missions with his teams to clear out some dungeons, and only a region where dungeons exist since the others were killed.

One hour later

After the exploration, they went to the train station where the train was parked and currently preparing for the long journey.

"So, this is the train I rode in Novgorod," she said, since the train was quite rough.

"Yeah, but this new class of trains was released a month ago," he said, looking at the new steam train that was preparing to depart.

They arrived at the first-class Coach and showed their tickets and were escorted to their room, not knowing that a squadron of 20 Assassin X soldiers was watching them, keeping an eye since the vice grandmaster made sure no one disturbs their travels.

Inside their room

As they entered their room, they placed their bags. Graves went to the cabin shower to change his clothes while Quinella looked outside at the window, seeing people moving towards the train.

A few minutes later

Graves got out of the shower room where he was wearing blue long pants and a plain black shirt with the wet towel over his neck and his wet hair.

"Well, it's your turn," Graves said to Quinella who nodded and grabbed her clothes and a towel while Graves headed towards his bed and grabbed a book from his backpack, a book he bought during his deployment in Tyrell, showing it was filled with basic elven language.

And after 10 minutes, Quinella got out wearing tight black jeans and a white blouse with her silver hair tied in a ponytail and sat at the other bed, staring at Graves who was reading the book.

"So, what's the plan now? When is the train going to leave? In 20 minutes?"


"Well, never mind. It seems we depart now," he said, looking outside of the window and saw the coach moving slowly, but seconds passed, and the speed increased.

40 minutes later

It was already night, so they decided to head to the Diner coach and eat. After eating dinner, they went back to their room where they had a short talk.

"After the war with Chronos, where do the empire shift their focus on?" she asked, since she saw most of the military power is focused on Pangea.

"Well, after the internal threats, the Emperor intends to focus most of the military power externally," he said, since that's one of the major objectives.

"And most of those objectives are focused on the collapse of the Tiamat empire and second is the expansion of the Novorosi duchy," he said.

"I see. I know the Tiamat empire is the leading empire, but I doubt they can face the Draconian empire's attacks," she said, thinking about the difference.

"Well, you're correct, and they were able to touch the technology of gunpowder. For now, we will not interfere since we are fattening them up for the butcher's shop in the future if they think we've ceased developing, but we still continue," he said, since he heard news that the 8th legion equipped with the new weapons were being sent to another continent on the other side of the world.

Only he could dream of using those weapons since they were not given due to production issues temporarily, but right now reports were brought in and new standard rifles were being produced and shipped off to soldiers who were already being deployed to the frontlines where fighting was intense.

After a few minutes of continuing their talk, they went to sleep, and it would take them 2 days until they reach Draconia.

Esdos Krakow

A large cavalry force was charging at the fortification that was still under construction, and only 4 tanks were stationed with a platoon of soldiers.

"Sir, 20,000 enemy cavalrymen are charging at us, sir! We need reinforcements!" shouted a soldier who was shouting into his radio.

"Copy. We already sent a message, ETA 20 minutes. We need to hold out," the tank commander said as he went to the mounted 50 cal gun and started firing.

"Shooter, lay waste upon them!" he shouted. The loader began loading anti-infantry rounds, and the 4 tanks began firing their available arsenal.


To be continued