Battle of the 4 armies 2

A day later:

Jin opened his eyes, having just awoken. He looked at the monitor and saw the other officers still continuing to watch, while others took naps or grabbed coffee.

"So, any progress?" he asked.

"None, sir. It was a back-and-forth battle, but the Valyrians had the upper hand. They used one of the basic combat tactics of our empire's military by switching soldiers from the front with fresh reinforcements and supplies," said the commander of the 1st infantry division of the 8th legion.

"Well, I'm the one who recommended it, but since she's quite proud of developing tactics, she decided to use it," Jin said. But something shocking happened just a few minutes later.

"Sir, an unknown army is appearing on the horizon, just to the left hill of the battle site!" said the drone operator. Soon, the drone switched the direction of the camera, and they saw an army of over 40,000 soldiers. They wore plated armor, with the majority being cavalry equipped with crossbows. Only ballistas were seen as artillery units, and they saw a man riding a giant griffon, wielding a flaming sword. But then another event occurred.

"Marshal! The dragon of the Night King's army and the Valyrian army is coming. The Night King himself and the Queen are riding them," the operator said with confusion.

"Damn! A lot of things are happening at the moment!" said one of the commanders. Everyone also agreed since this was quite shocking, but Jin was observing.

"He's not moving. The King of Bretonnia is not moving an inch, as if he's waiting for something," he said as he observed the two screens: one showing the battle and the other the idle army.

He could see the two dragons battling in the air, trying to gain dominance, but he had a countermeasure. Now he just needed to wait until that idle army also moved, and he could deploy the cavalry to attack.

"Order the artillery to prepare saturated bombardment," he said, and the nearby communications officer began to relay the orders.

One hour later:

What Jin expected began to occur. The enemy cavalry, made up of the best knights, surged forward, followed by the infantry marching and the ballistas firing. The giant griffon charged at the two dragons clashing in the air, using its claws to grab both dragons' heads, dragging them away from the battlefield and smashing them to the ground. Moments later, the cavalry rammed the two armies, shocking their commanders. Since everyone was focused on one another, they were easily cut down in a few minutes, giving enough time for the infantry to slash through their formation and the archers to rain down arrows upon them.

Now it was a battle royale of armies, and the commanders had to zoom in to identify the soldiers, but to Jin, this was the star of the battle.

"Order the cavalry that now is the time to charge," he said, and everyone began to mobilize.

Outside of the command center:

Soldiers began to move around, some equipping their gear while others prepared their vehicles for battle.

Forbidden Cavalry Division Commander POV:

"Commander, we have been given the signal!" said one rider as he approached the commander, who was observing the battlefield below.

"I see," he said and turned to the soldiers behind him.

"Men, we charge forward to face a battle royale of armies. There are no allies in the battlefield. We will show the enemy no mercy in the name of the empire and the emperor!" he shouted, and the soldiers raised their weapons and roared.

They began their formation as the commander and other officers formed their famed trident formation. The men adjusted and aimed their spears downward, while behind them, the rifle cavalry fired at the enemy army.


Soon, artillery began firing with precision and order, raining destruction upon the three armies below. The generals of each army were dumbfounded by the explosions.

Bretonnian General POV:

"By the king, what the hell is happening? Is the sky falling?" the general questioned himself as he saw explosions ringing out.

Valyrian General POV:

"This weapon, I only know the empire who has these weapons that can fire from far distance, and that empire is where the former Chancellor Jin is serving," the general mumbled as he tightened the grip over his reins, his mount restive beneath him.

Forbidden Cavalry Commander POV:

As my men and I hold our formation, we hear our artillery units fire and the shells flying above, scoring hits on the enemy army, which is now trying to regain some control.

But as we get closer, I feel my blood boil, my men's blood boil. We thirst for battle in the name of the empire. We have been trained to be ready for any conflict that arises and never to underestimate the enemy. I hear distant clashes of the mounts and the enemy monarchs as they fight over each other, one attacking the other. I already knew the Marshal would personally deal with them.


The cavalry formation, or to be exact, the right part of the trident, smashes the Valyrian forces in the rear, while the center smashes the Night King's army, and the left circles behind the left flank and smashes the Bretonnian left flank. All three parts of the trident smash through the enemy, and the artillery has long ceased firing. The cavalry swords swing down, easily cutting through their armor, and their lances swiftly puncture the exposed necks of the Bretonnian knights. The rifle cavalry form a moving circle, rotating clockwise while firing at the enemy.

And this creates more confusion as they try to gain some resemblance of order but are shattered instantly as the cavalry aims for their officers and cuts down anyone coming near them, running some down.

During that time, Jin ordered the two infantry divisions and one armored division to head towards the battlefield. Now, they are heading down the hill and saw the Forbidden Cavalry playing around the enemy soldiers. They heard sonic booms nearby, and now Jin is also involving himself in the fight.



As the two dragons and mighty griffon clash, the riders of those mounts are unaware of what's happening on the battlefield. They are focused until a figure of high speed passes by their battle, and the gush of wind causes the mounts and riders to have mid-air turbulence. They try to locate the person who passed by until they hear a booming noise and see a person with a long black coat, pale skin with a shade of green hair, and crimson-violet eyes looking down upon the monarchs. The person who reacts the most is the Valyrian Queen, who widens her eyes as she looks at the hovering figure. His eyes are neutral, and their tense silence is cut after the giant griffon goes in to attack, aiming to chomp his body. But he is instantly punched in the face, and the rider jumps from his mount and swings his flaming sword down.

However, Jin materializes a long dagger and blocks the weapon, beginning to exchange attacks. He swiftly cuts the shoulders and kicks down to the ground, causing the King to roar in pain. But the griffon mount swiftly catches him, and Jin turns to the other two remaining mounts, pointing his dagger at them.

"Surrender, or your armies get annihilated," he says with a neutral tone, and they realize something is off. They see their soldiers being torn to shreds by a new wave of explosions from the tanks and .50 cal fire mounted on them, and the infantry arrive at a safe distance, forming a new circle. Soon, a green flare is followed by the Forbidden Cavalry retreating, causing more deaths. After fully retreating, the enemy armies begin to organize, but now they had a silent agreement, and with their commanders, they begin forming a hexagonal shield wall, moving their long-range units and battle mages in the center, and begin firing arrows at their would-be enemies.

But unfortunately, their aim is not true.

"Wait for it!" shouts the officer to his fellow soldiers as they grip their rifles and wait to fire.

"Wait until the cavalry fully leaves the line of fire!" he shouts as the Forbidden Cavalry leaves the line of fire.

"FI-" before he could finish, the line of rifles begins firing, and the tanks that surrounded the enemy army begin firing with no mercy.


The combination of tank and rifle firing causes the enemy formation to quickly shatter as their shield walls are instantly punctured. The mages try to create a barrier, but are unable to, the tank shells shattering their barriers, and the Bretonnians fair better as their armor has automatic healing and only heals if they get shot, but to tank shells? Well, a big hole can't be patched up by duct tape.

As the battle rages on, Jin is currently watching the three monarchs in silence. He has already prepared countermeasures if things spill out, and as he is about to speak, blue flames come at him. Luckily, he swings his dagger down, cutting the two flames apart, and immediately charges towards the dragon.


He immediately kicks the chest of the undead dragon and materializes air javelins, aiming for the wings. He unleashes them, puncturing holes in the wings, causing the dragon to fall. But Jin never lets go of his prey, and immediately cuts the tail, and finally, it lands on the ground, causing a small shockwave.

Jin sees the dragon struggling, but he instantly beheads the dragon, causing the blue eyes to fade. He looks around


Soon a blue sword nearly cut his head and jin saw the figure of a man with ice skin and wearing a black coat and hard leather armor and the long ice sword at his hand was seen being held over with a firm grip and then he heard also some thuds and saw the giant griffon and silver dragon landing at the edges and saw the monarchs getting of their mounts and jin observe them surrounding him


He summoned and second dagger and slowly a small wind tornado began to him and jin felt his dagger shake wanting to be used and he thought 'sure' soon he took a step forward aiming for the night king 


He slashed to the using his left dagger and the night king block using the sword but when they connect it caused the night king to be pushed to the side.


And jin charged and raised his right dagger and stab going down aiming for the chest but then he felt some heat coming from his right and when he turn his head he saw the bretonnian king slashing his sword down, jin gritted his teeth and canceled the attack and turn his body and used his left foot and kick towards the bretonnian king 


"Argh" the bretonnian king grunted as he got kick in the stomach with much force but jin did not end there and appeared infront of him and punch him in the face but a golden helmet immediately block the force of his punch


Jin immediately changed target, seeing the king on the ground struggling to stand up and charged towards night king but the night king raised his sword trying to block an incoming attack but he disappeared and appeared behind and swung his left hand down causing a large wound in the back of the night king but jin did not end and spun around and threw daggers at him and the night king raised his left arm to block the attack and pierce through his armor but jin pressed a certain pearl causing some wave of electricity at the night king causing him to wail in pain

But then a chain material begin to materialize chaining the night king down and jin charged will full force at the night king and draw a certain ice knife and stab him in the chest causing the night king to be motionless and drop down on his knees.

Jin turned his attention to the two remaining monarchs

"1 down 2 more to go" he muttered as wind gather around his feet 

To be continued