The Storm Gathers

Imperial Court of the Gran Cathay Empire

"Your Majesty, intelligence units within the border of the Draconian Empire reported that the majority of the manpower of the Draconian Empire's legions are currently at war with the Chronos Horde. With this, I believe we can conquer the fertile lands in their hands," said the great General Zhou to his emperor.

"Are you sure of this intel?" the emperor asked, not wanting to deal with the empire's wrath if the invasion failed.

"Don't worry, their borders are not guarded well. Gaps are appearing. We must take advantage of this, Your Radiance," said the general.

"Alright, you have my approval. The Eastern Army will begin the offensive, and more reinforcements across the empire shall join you."

"Father, I would like to take command of the army and conquer the lands for our empire," said the crown prince of the Gran Cathay Empire.

"My son, they have those flying machines that are faster and can kill us dragon shifters," said the emperor with worry.

"Hmph, like they could harm me. The majority of their air force is in the north. They have no available machine to disrupt our conquest."

The emperor relented. "Go, my son. You have my approval. Make our empire proud," he spoke with some power in his tone, letting his son leave with a battalion of imperial guards.

### Gladion Empire Imperial Throne Room

The Gladion Empire bordered the entire western front of the Draconian Empire, and their soldiers were formidable. The former emperor had a good relationship with the Draconian Empire, but the current emperor demanded the sale of weapons and technology sharing, causing tensions to rise. A small spark could start a conflict.

A general wearing heavy plate armor and showing signs of age knelt before the emperor, who was slightly chubby and sitting on an ornate throne.

"Your Majesty, with the Draconian Empire's focus up north, we can invade and penetrate their border with our best soldiers and knights. We can defeat them," said the general.

"And the Athenian Church shall invest in this venture and send 1,000 Bronze Knights as support," said a man wearing purple robes and a shining bald head.

"Fine, and what is your condition?"

"Any technological possession or weaponry held by the Draconian Empire shall be given to us."

"It shall be done in the name of Athena. General, are preparations ready?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. Just give the order, and the soldiers shall march to death in your name."

"Go, you have my approval," said the emperor, smiling as he anticipated enjoying the technology exclusive to the Draconian Empire.

### Ariad Empire

A powerhouse of cultivators, the Ariad Empire was known for its thirst for conquest, all in the name of reaching the Draconian Empire's capital, Draconia. Now a golden opportunity was open for them.

"Your Majesty, our spies have reported that the Draconian Empire has begun their war in the north. We might be able to take this opportunity and invade the empire," said one of the ministers entering the throne room.

"Are you sure of this news?" asked the lady sitting on the throne. For years, after she took the throne, she waged an unjustified war against the Draconian Empire until Kalvin forcibly placed the war on a stalemate.

"Yes, Your Majesty. I have confirmed it myself, and a few scouts discovered gaps in the empire's defenses," said the man with a bright smile.

"Ready the men. I want them assembled in the capital in 30 minutes!" shouted the empress as her sword vibrated with excitement.

### Outside the Imperial Capital

Soldiers dressed in different armor patterns and wielding various weapons, but all powerful cultivators, assembled in short notice—all in the name of conquering the Draconian Empire. Over 70,000 soldiers, including powerful families and sect-trained warriors classified by the Draconian Empire, gathered.

The empress, accompanied by 10,000 soldiers from her imperial guard wearing golden armor and robes, wore a stolen Draconian breastplate and wrist guards. The theft occurred when she killed a first-generation knight on the frontlines, taking his body before the empire could retrieve it. The remaining parts of his armor were gifted to her vassals or sold to other kingdoms.

"Today, we invade Draconia! We shall take the 'Land of the Sand that Rises'!" she shouted, her power bursting out as the soldiers below screamed their war cry.

"We shall follow Her Majesty to the death!"

Multiple flashing colors left the capital of the Ariad Empire as they aimed to decimate the empire's defenses. While the empire had semi-lack defenses, they could hold out for two weeks before being overwhelmed.

### Above the Skies of Draconia

Imperial Fortress of Altherium

The imperial fortress, launched a year ago, was one of the three functional fortresses: one stationed up north, another currently in the south acting as the base of operations for foreign territories, and hovering over 20k feet in the sky. With personnel over 50,000 and 20,000 civilian workers, over 1,000 aircraft were garrisoned, a mix of multi-role and long-range bombers. Grand Marshal Dimitri commanded the war effort while the emperor was en route to Olympus.

"Grand Marshal, news from the western and eastern frontline!" an officer opened the door, carrying a letter. He saw Dimitri commanding the war effort, checking over supplies placed on the front early on.

On the table were a deck of cards representing state leaders, officials, generals, well-known fighters, and officers from neighboring Pangea kingdoms. Even Olympus had its deck, constantly updated, along with chess pieces representing armies.

"Boy, tell me what's the rush and the problem," said Dimitri calmly.

"Three large armies are converging on the empire's borders," said the soldier with worry. The reaction in the war room was mixed; some anticipated this due to the large manpower focused up north, creating gaps in the defenses, while others were hesitant.

Dimitri nodded, letting the officer continue.

"The Gran Cathay Empire, with over 100,000 soldiers armed with the latest weaponry and experimental weapons, has obvious objectives. The Ariad Empire, with over 80,000 elite soldiers, has unknown objectives but clear motives. On the western front, the Gladion Empire, with over 150,000 soldiers, is also preparing to advance," reported the officer, taking a breath after speaking for so long, then given a glass of water.

Dimitri spoke after a few seconds, "Begin Operation Iron Curtain. I want the National Guard in those regions mobilized and sent to the frontlines to increase our defenses. Any available air corps should be sent to provide air support. Mobilize the legions currently training. I want the 11th and 15th legions to be sent to those fronts fast. When they arrive, I want the 12th and 16th legions to reinforce them and start offensive operations."

The war room started sending orders to cities to mobilize the National Guard, factories to triple the production of weapons, ration, ammunition, and clothing for the military sector. The Imperial Navy Chief of Strategic Operations approached Dimitri.

"Grand Marshal, shall I order an available fleet to blockade their coast?"

"Yes, and let them conduct exercises under the guise of anti-piracy. Make sure any kind of ship, whether civilian or military, is not allowed to pass through. Ensure those strike groups conduct aerial flyovers in their capital, but don't bring them to an all-out war. We are already tied, so it's better until we have more supplies."

Orders were sent, and the first to arrive was in the Grand Forest of Southern Sigfried, a gateway to the south. A quarter of the forest was repurposed for forest harvesting and planting; the rest were made into simulation battlegrounds for the legions in training.

### Draconian Fortress Seldia Military Camp

"General, we received orders from HQ that Operation Iron Curtain is in effect," said an officer in charge of communication between different Draconian branches and the main war room.

The general, smoking a military-issued cigar, was watching a live feed of four large screens showing the 11th and 15th legions conducting a mock battle—a territorial war simulation. Territorial war involves two legions capturing as much territory as possible until half is captured. After two hours of planning and preparation, the war begins with offensive or defensive tactics. Supplies in territories can run out, leading to surrender or continued close-quarters fighting. Ammunition used had color designations with rune spells to simulate injuries and teleportation out of the battlefield.

"What!? Are you sure?" the general threw the cigar on the floor and stomped on it, looking at the officer who nodded.

"All Soldiers, cease all and any kind of action. Priority orders from Draconia!" yelled the general.

On the mock battlefield, tanks exchanged fire while infantry cleared minefields and advanced. Soldiers engaged in close-quarters combat until they heard the general's order. They stopped fighting and began helping each other. The general called the two commanding generals of their respective legions.

"We have orders from the Grand Marshal. The 11th Legion will be deployed to the western front to begin defensive construction and defense of the territory. The 15th Legion will be sent to the eastern front for defensive works. You will face large armies: 150k on the western front and 170k on the eastern. The National Guard will be under your command, with more reinforcements to come. Remember, we may be technologically superior, but they have firepower. The 15th Legion commander, you will face an army of cultivators," said the general, glancing at the screen showing other legions training

After 30 minutes of resting, the soldiers began to gather at the military train transport, where they would be sent to their destination. After saying goodbye to their loved ones, who had watched the mock combat (and had signed a non-disclosure agreement enforced by magic), they prepared for departure.

On the side, motorized and mechanized units prepared for a land march since they knew they wouldn't fit on the trains. They began loading the necessary supplies, turned on their engines, and started moving towards their location. Some logistics officers noticed a lack of necessary food, so they requisitioned supplies from the market. The locals agreed, knowing they would receive appropriate compensation within a few days, even though the military focused on self-sufficiency.


**The Isolated Island**

Over the course of two years, the island that was once an experimental ground turned into a secret military island with no civilians allowed. Only trustworthy military personnel were stationed there, and it was renamed "The Isolated" with plans to change the name after the war.

Currently, it's the home base of the 4th Imperial Fleet, which includes over 10 aircraft carriers, 30 battleships, 30 cruisers, 30 destroyers, and 150 submarines.


**4th Imperial Fleet HQ, Naval Fortress Epolis, Admiral's Office**

"Admiral, orders from high command. It's a priority," said an officer who entered the office carrying a document.

"Why are there two?" asked the admiral, who was reading documents and placed them down after seeing the order from the grand marshal.

"One is for the experimental air force stationed here, and since you're the supreme commander of the armed forces currently stationed here," explained the officer as he handed over the two documents.

"I see. Let's look at the naval orders," said the admiral, starting to read. After raising an eyebrow, he spoke, "Is it approved by the grand admiral?" since mobilizing an entire fleet requires the approval of either the grand admiral or the emperor.

"Emergency approval by the grand marshal and chief of strategic operations," said the officer, pointing to the approval signature. The admiral picked up the phone and began dialing some numbers. After a few seconds of waiting, he heard a voice.

"Vice admiral, yes, it's me. We have emergency mobilization orders for the entire fleet in six hours. I want the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th carrier strike groups, along with the 3rd and 4th wolfpacks, to be ready. Once you finish giving them orders, ring up the air marshal of the air corps on this isolated island," he said. After waiting a few minutes, he nodded in confirmation and placed the phone down.

A few minutes later, the air marshal arrived at the office, accompanied by the vice admiral, who had been told to join the meeting as there was a last-minute change.

"Admiral, I have to report that our fleet will be ready in one hour, and we need to assign them," said the vice admiral. The admiral nodded, grabbed a long stick, and pointed at the map, directing attention to the coasts of the three empires.

"You will command the task force while I command the reserves and move up logistics for our soldiers on the ground."

"The 1st carrier strike group will be stationed off the coast of Gran Cathay, the 2nd strike group off the coast of the Ariad Empire, and the 3rd off the coast of the Gladion Empire, 30 miles from their coast. The main objective is to block shipments into their empire while pressuring them to cease hostilities and withdraw their soldiers. During this time, the air wing of each carrier group shall fly at low altitudes, conduct flare releases, and break the sound barrier to cause unrest and draw their troops back. No unnecessary bombing runs; the grand marshal doesn't want an all-out war. Although the empire can accommodate another war, since the priority of supplies is focused to the north along with the best legions and commanders, we can't risk them breaking through the territory. The Black Seals are allowed to raid and destroy their economy by any means possible. Terrorism is an open option," he finished.

"How about the 4th carrier strike group and wolfpack fleets?" asked the vice admiral.

"The 4th is the reserve, while the wolfpacks are stationed off the coast, sinking as many ships as possible," the admiral finished, and the vice admiral went to give the other officers and captains their orders.

"So, air marshal, here are your orders," the admiral said, marking the east and west fronts on the map. "The 1st experimental air corps shall split in two and move to support the troops on the ground in these fronts, since currently the empire's entire air force manpower is up front."


*To be continued...*