
"Who is he?" Jack asked Eric.

"That is Steve, Tatiana's fiance" he answered.

Jack frowned, they had just arrived at the birthday party of his son. The others guests had arrived. Most of her friends from work and friends of Gabriel had arrived too.

Jack walked up to Tatiana passing his present, "This is for him" he said.

"Thank you," she said taking it.

Steve walked up to them carrying Gabriel, "Ana love, I think we should start the party, his getting impatient with the cake" he chuckled.

Before she could answer her son pointed to Jack smiling, "Papa" he called.

Eric and Steve flinched, "Hi, when did he learn to say that," Steve asked.

"And how does he know who he is," Eric said.

Tatiana sighed, "I gave a lot a lot of options when I was teaching him the word, but he stuck to that one so I let him use it" Gabriel called Jack again pulling away from Steve.

Jack took him smiling, "Hi, little guy. How are you" kissing his huge cheeks.

"And he knows Jack 'cause I showed him his father's picture sometimes," she said.

"So his that guy?" asked Steve.

"What guy?" asked Jack.

"You know your that guy" answered Eric turning to his friend.

Jack sighed.

"Steve honey this Jack, Gabriel's father" Tatiana introduced, "And Jack this is my fiance, Steve".

The two men shook their hands.

Patricia walked up to the group, "Guys came a closer time to blow out the candles" she said.

They walked to the centre where the cake was, and those who didn't know who Gabriel's father was finally got to know after seeing Jack. The resemblance with his son was undeniable.

Steve wanted to take Gabriel's way so he could blow out his candles but the boy held onto his father. So Tatiana let him stand close to them and blow them together.

"Happy birthday, Gabriel" they all sang then Jack, Tatiana and Gabriel bent down and blew out the candles together.

Soon the cake was being served, and little Gaby put one piece in his mother's mouth and another in his father's. Then they each fed him.

The party went on even when the birthday boy went to sleep in his father's hands.

Tatiana thanked her friends and asked them to leave.

"Who is taking you?" asked Steve.

"Am leaving with Eric and Patrica?" she said. Hugging him she said good night and walked up to Jack. "Can I have him, am leaving now".

He got up gently carrying his son to his mother, but Gaby woke up tightly holding on to his father's jacket and started to cry.

"Let him be" she finally said and Jack carried back his son.

Jack ended up going with her all the way to Patricia's place where she was staying.

"Follow me," she said to her room when they arrived. He placed him down and slowly covered him.

"Thank you," she said walking out.

He followed her standing next to her in the living room.

"Tatiana can we talk," he said.