A Harem?

[Ding! System Reboot has been successful!] 

[Ding! The system Activated!] 

[Ding! Identifying the host....] 

[Ding! Identify has been confirmed] 

[Ding! Congratulations on activating the system, Host Yuan!]

[Ding! Please check the starter gift pact that has been sent to the host's system inventory during the next 12 hours!] 

"Huh?" As he rubbed his eyes in disbelief, a miraculous sight unfolded before Yuan. A translucent blue screen materialized out of nowhere, accompanied by a captivating female mechanical voice announcing multiple notifications. 

Despite his initial skepticism, he knew this was no mere hallucination, as the screen remained stubbornly persistent despite his numerous attempts to dispel it.

"As I find myself reincarnated in a world where magic reigns supreme, the prospect of a 'system' emerging doesn't faze me one bit. I mean, what's the worst that could happen? Bring on the surprises!" Yuan's face lit up with a happy grin as he glanced at the notifications and murmured in a low tone while shaking his head in disbelief.

"Why are you smiling in such a manner, Little Yuan? It appears unsettling. Is everything alright with you?" Lily approached him with a compassionate inquiry, harboring a suspicion that he may be suffering from migraines. The depth of her concern was palpable.

"I assure you that I am in good health. It is not necessary for my dear big sister to be overly concerned about my well-being," Yuan reassured her.

Lily stood up from Yuan's bed and commented, "It is certainly wonderful that you are feeling well. However, we should proceed to visit our mother promptly, as she has been genuinely worried about your condition."

Yuan observed his attire, which was still covered in dried blood, causing considerable discomfort. "I will proceed to cleanse myself as my body is currently covered in blood, causing discomfort in my present stance... You should go first, big sis," he suggested.

"Oh, Ah! I should probably take my leave now. Don't keep me waiting too long, okay?" Lily hastily uttered those words and shut the door, leaving Yuan to ponder their meaning.

As he rose from his bed, Yuan cast a glance towards the door to ensure that she was indeed gone before making his way to the restroom.

Memories of old Yuan flooded his mind, revealing that only the affluent possessed such a luxury. It was a stark reminder of their family's wealth, thanks to his deceased father's esteemed position as a powerful "Magic Knight" in service of the kingdom before he passed away.

As Yuan stumbled his way to the bathroom, he couldn't help but feel the stifling discomfort of his dress clinging to his skin like a second layer, similar to waxing body hair. 

Without a second thought, he turned on the shower and let the water cascade over him, still fully dressed. As the water washed away the sweat and grime, he felt the burden of the sticky dress melt away, leaving him feeling refreshed and renewed.

[Now that the system is operational, would the host like to review his status information?]

As the water cascaded down his body, he suddenly heard the system's voice again, piercing through the sound of the shower. But this time, it was different. 

The robotic tone he had become accustomed to had been replaced by a soft, feminine voice that seemed to weave a spell around him. He couldn't help but pause and listen, captivated by the young girl's enchanting voice.

Yuan marveled inwardly, 'I have never heard such an exquisite voice before!' After composing himself, he eagerly requested, "Please, show me!" 

[System Interface]

Host: Yuan Blank 

Age: 19 years

Cultivation: None 

Legacy: None

Bloodline: None

Physique: Heaven Devouring Physique 

Physical strength: 8 

Mental strength: 45 

Soul strength: 120 

Physical Defense: 5 

Mental Defense: 121 

SP: 0

«System Storage»

«System Shop» 

«Missions» [Currently None]

"Goodness gracious! This body appears to be more delicate than that of a feathered fowl. However, my previous body possessed a similar fragility, so I shall refrain from grumbling about this current frailty. Can't catch a break, can I?" Yuan muttered to himself, his tone tinged with a hint of disappointment as the weakness of his new body became apparent. 

The previous owner had neglected any form of exercise, leaving Yuan with a lot of catching up to do.

"Sigh! It appears that I will need to exert a significant amount of effort to enhance my physical strength," he lamented. The realization that his mana stat was missing from his status filled him with panic.

"What the hell happened to my mana stat? Is it not supposed to be retained despite my lack of awakening? Moreover, could you please elucidate the precise meaning of 'cultivation'...?"

In the midst of his confusion, an epiphany dawned upon him, causing Yuan to burst into an uncontrollable fit of maniacal laughter. "Hahaha, Oh my god, I can't believe it! I've won the lottery!" he exclaimed, basking in the thrill of the moment. But as he pondered the significance of winning the lottery in a world of magic, doubt crept in.

"But wait, isn't this supposed to be a world ruled by magicians and filled with magic? Even then, winning the lottery seems like an extraordinary stroke of luck!"

Having read countless novels and manga about cultivation on Earth, Yuan was well aware of the awe-inspiring powers of the immortals. 

The mere prospect of being able to cultivate in this magical realm and become an immortal himself filled him with a sense of excitement and invigoration that he had never experienced before. How could anyone not be energized by the very thought of it?

"Should I create a harem since I'm in a fantasy world? If I create a harem, I can dual cultivate and achieve a breakthrough much more quickly than if I just sat down and meditated for hours on end!" Yuan's mind wandered, influenced by his love for anime and manga and the fantasies they had sparked.

"But first, I should concentrate on strengthening myself as quickly as I can, for without it, I won't even be able to predict when I'll die..." A scorching spark of resolve could be seen in his eyes, now flaming with enthusiasm. 

Yuan firmly gripped his hands together, symbolizing his determination to become stronger.

[Host, I advise you to check the beginner's gift pack in the system's inventory because it expires in 11 hours!]

Startled by the sudden voice in his mind once again, Yuan regained his composure and inquired, "I'll do that right away, but who are you? You speak and behave like a living human, so to me, you are more than simply a machine. What are you, may I ask?"

[I am a system spirit or a will, Nora, in response to the host's query. I was made to serve as the system's administrator and to help you whenever the host asks. I'll do everything the host asks of me.]

[This system was created to assist the host with cultivation methods and weaponry as well as to ensure that the host was proceeding in the proper direction. Please feel free to ask any questions if the host has any.] Nora explained.

"Then, Nora, open the beginner's gift package or whatever it is!" Yuan interjected eagerly, cutting off Nora's explanation, as he was eager to uncover the contents of the reward that awaited him.

He reasoned to himself, "It's been over 30 minutes since I entered the restroom; if I take too long, big sis will worry for nothing," and he responded, "No, I will do it later."

After quickly showering and donning fresh clothing from the drawer, Yuan stepped outside the bathroom, dressed in a black shirt and slacks.

However, what made his shirt stand out were the golden motifs adorning it, adding an appealing touch to his attire. 

Curiosity stirred within him as he turned to face himself in the mirror, observing a tall, slim man who resembled his earthly self but possessed a newfound attractiveness and a pair of golden eyes that exuded a sense of dominance.

"I guess I still resemble myself? ... A little more attractive, to be precise! My eyes have turned golden like the man in that unusual location, but what did he say? I completely missed what he was saying..." Yuan mused, recalling the mysterious encounter with the man who possessed golden eyes, a memory that sent shivers down his spine.

He pondered the immense cultivation strength the man must possess as he gazed at his reflection.

"Little Yuan, have you finished tidying up? Hurry down here if you're finished because Mom wants to see you!" Lily's voice called out from outside the room, highlighting their mother's unwavering concern for Yuan's well-being, even amidst her own health struggles.

"Yes, I'm almost finished and will be there in a second!" Yuan responded, adjusting his hair before joining his sister.

"You already know how overly protective she is of you, so come see her as soon as possible. She can hardly wait to see you."

Sighing, Yuan contemplated the memories he held, recognizing the depth of his mother's overprotectiveness. The thought of something happening to him weighed heavily on his mind, uncertain of how his mother would cope. 

He imagined her by his side, refusing to eat or drink if it weren't for her confinement to her own room.

After getting dressed, Yuan left his room to find his sister patiently waiting for him outside.

"Sis, why are you standing around? Of course, I would have come to you instead!"

"Ensuring you don't take too much time! We should see Mom right now because her illness is worsening by the minute, and I don't think she has more than two months left to live." Lily's expression turned somber, tears streaming down her cheeks as she spoke with a voice choked with sadness. 

He immediately stopped walking and glanced at his sister with a peculiar expression after hearing her explanation of their mother's current state. The aura emanating from Yuan made Lily feel uneasy.

'What's happening... Why is God giving me such a life? Although I now have a family after previously being an orphan, my mother is in danger of passing away. How did I deserve such a fate? What crime did I commit...?' Yuan's thoughts raced through his mind as he grappled with the weight of the situation. 

When he first received the memories of this body and realized he had a family in this life, he was overjoyed. However, the revelation of his mother's limited time left on Earth brought him immense pain—the pain of losing someone dear to him.

Tears began to trickle down his cheeks as he experienced the anguish of losing his mother, even if he wasn't the original Yuan.

'Why don't I remember it? Why can't I recall...?' Yuan questioned himself, unable to comprehend why his mother's condition had become so severe without any recollection of it. 

Suddenly, he felt a tight embrace enveloping him, warming his heart. Looking up, he realized it was his sister, Lily.

"I know you're suffering, Yuan'er, just as I am. When I first found out, I couldn't eat properly for days, and I went through weeks of despair. But I found the strength to keep going, and you must do the same," Lily spoke through her tears, tightly holding onto her brother.

"I understand, but sister, I will find a cure for Mother no matter the cost, even if it means sacrificing my own soul!" Yuan declared with utmost seriousness, hugging his sister in return.

"Let's go meet Mom right away. We shouldn't waste any more time," Lily murmured, leading him inside their mother's room.

Nodding in agreement, Yuan followed his sister to their mother's bedside, their footsteps hastening. As they arrived at their destination, a door with a beautifully engraved design stood before them.

'Hmm? Why am I so afraid to see Mother?' Yuan wondered, realizing his heart rate quickening for some inexplicable reason as he approached the door.

"How much longer are you going to stand there? Open the door now!" Lily urged, casting a concerned glance at Yuan, who stood motionless in front of the entrance.

Nodding in response, Yuan turned the doorknob to the left, the sound of a click accompanying the unlocking of the door. With a deep breath, he stepped into the room for the first time.

Inside, a woman lay on a sizable double bed positioned at the center. Her hair displayed a mix of black and white, and she possessed an undeniably attractive face with thin pink lips. 

Though her body appeared frail due to her illness, her face still held a trace of its former beauty, albeit tinged with a slight paleness. Anna Grace Blank, his mother, was one of the women in the bed.
