First Conflict (1)

"Pardon me for my intrusion, fair lady. But may I have the honor of knowing your name? For I believe a name as exquisite as yours must be accompanied by an equally captivating persona."

'Hmm, trouble seems to have arrived at our doorstep; judging by their attire, they likely hail from a Noble family.' Yuan scrutinized their clothing and deduced that even in their wildest imaginations, a commoner couldn't possibly afford such expensive garments.

[They're just a bunch of spoiled brats from a noble family, Host; you can easily handle them!] Nora chimed in, encouraging Yuan to confront them.

'If it comes to that, I'll deal with them,' he thought. For now, he was curious to see how Lily would react, but he'd step in immediately if they crossed a line.

"Hmm?" When the young man attempted to take her hand, Lily frowned and promptly withdrew, refusing to let him touch her.

"Excuse me, could you please allow us to enjoy our meal in peace? We prefer not to engage with strangers!" Lily spoke, completely ignoring him and his advances.


'Did I just get rejected? She must be ignoring me because she doesn't know who I am!' The young man surmised.

"Greetings, please allow me to introduce myself. I am Jayden Lewis, the firstborn son of Viscount Lewis and the rightful inheritor of the Lewis household. Earlier, while perambulating the bazaar, I had the pleasure of observing your graceful presence. At first glance, I was struck by your exceptional beauty, and I would be honored to have knowledge of the name of the enchanting goddess with whom I have fallen in love at first sight!" Jayden introduced himself as the first son of Viscount Lewis, the second significant aristocratic family in the Windfall Kingdom to bear the viscount title.

Knowing that the young man in front of them was Viscount Lewis's first biological son, Yuan and the others frowned. What if it came to that? Yuan wouldn't hesitate to teach him a lesson, even if Viscount Lewis himself couldn't recognize his own son.

When Jayden introduced himself, all eyes turned to him. For the common folk, encountering a noble outside of their estates was a rare occurrence.

"Hey, look! It's the young master from the Lewis family!"

"He's quite handsome. It's no wonder he's taken an interest in this lovely lady. They seem like a good match."

"Why all the fuss about her? I'm almost as beautiful as she is!"

"Your face looks like a donkey's rear end!"

"What did you say, you scoundrel?"

As Jayden Lewis, the first son of the Lewis family, made himself known, many began discussing him. The majority were women, as usual.

Yuan and his companions did nothing more than exchange exasperated glances upon hearing the chatter, treating Jayden as though he were some sort of celebrity.

'So, he's Viscount Lewis's son, is he? He's just as audacious as his father!' Grace mused, observing Jayden's persistent attempts to woo her daughter.

"As I've mentioned, kindly refrain from disrupting our meal. I do not appreciate interruptions while dining, and I would appreciate it if you respected our privacy by leaving us be," Lily calmly stated, ignoring his repeated advances.

"I would like to reiterate that I am the first son of Viscount Lewis. It seems my previous statement may have been overlooked. In light of this, I propose that we arrange a meeting to get better acquainted," Jayden continued, undeterred by Lily's lack of interest.

Jayden's attention remained fixated on Lily, while Lucas and Erick's gazes turned intensely sensual, lingering on Grace and Emma's seductive hourglass-like figures. The changes in Grace and Emma's bodies since becoming cultivators had made them even more stunning than before.

"Young Master! Why not take a look at the two other gorgeous women seated beside her?"

"Young Master, Brother Lucas is absolutely right! You'd be astounded by their exquisite figures, especially the lady with the black and white hair. Her beauty is truly exceptional!"

With lecherous grins on their faces, they gestured towards Grace and Emma's seats.

"Haha, Lucas and Erick, you're spot on. How did I miss them earlier? Indeed, they are much more enchanting than she is." Jayden chuckled, his expression turning lecherous as he admired Grace and Emma's figures, two additional beauties seated next to Lily.

'How disgraceful!' Grace recoiled, utterly disgusted by the lecherous attention they were receiving.

The behavior of Lucas, Erick, and Jayden left Grace, Emma, and Lily shocked. Jayden had initially appeared humble and polite, but in the blink of an eye, his demeanor shifted entirely. He now resembled a dog in heat.

'They have no right to ogle my mother's body with such filthy eyes. I suppose I'll have to intervene!' Yuan seethed. The sight of them leering at his family members was infuriating. He found their behavior towards his loved ones utterly intolerable.

"Oi, you three assholes! Take off your vulgar gazes from their bodies; I won't say it again!" After observing them patiently for so long, Yuan finally spoke up. Their lecherous looks at his mother's body were repugnant, and he was genuinely appalled by their behavior. 

He knew all too well what their intentions were towards his family members.

"Huh?" They turned to face Yuan upon hearing his voice. So fixated on the three women beside him, they hadn't spared Yuan a glance. They were struck dumb by Yuan's striking looks, secretly envious of a face that could rival a girl's beauty.

"How dare you, a commoner, address our young master so disrespectfully?"

"Brother Erick, I suggest we silence him as a lesson for daring to insult our young master!" Lucas fumed, advancing towards Yuan.

'They didn't even notice me; with a man this handsome beside them, why would they?... Just wait, I'll take them away from you. I'll have all three of them in front of you after I break your limbs. The sight of them moaning in pleasure while I ravish them in front of you will be exquisite! Hahaha...' Jayden schemed, his smile sly as he glanced at Yuan.

Lucas directed his fury at Yuan, halting in front of him, glaring daggers.

"I'll give you three short moments to consider my proposal. You must present those women to me as recompense for publicly slandering a member of the noble family. Furthermore, I expect you to kneel and offer an apology, signifying your submission. If you comply with these terms, I might be inclined to overlook the events that have transpired."

Jayden's words dripped with triumph, his smile wide as if he'd just won a war. In this world, if a commoner disrespected a noble family, not only would they face execution, but their entire family would as well. It was a grim reality.

"Hahaha," Yuan chuckled.

Onlookers were baffled, seeing him laugh so manically.

"Has he lost his mind upon realizing the gravity of his transgressions against Master Jayden?"

"He's finished; he doesn't realize that Master Jayden is a fourth-circle mage, a prodigy beyond compare!"

Many people had their own theories, but none of them could fathom what was going through Yuan's mind.

"Is he out of his mind after realizing the severity of his offense?"

"It certainly seems that way, young master!" Erick replied, placing a hand on his back.

"Hahaha, I'm laughing because... you guys are just a bunch of punks; do you really think a trio like you can intimidate me?" Yuan's handsome face bore a cunning grin as he continued, "If that's what you're thinking, you're in for a big surprise!"

'Well done, beautifully executed; my son has truly come of age; his presence is so commanding!' Grace mused, her desire for her son growing stronger as she admired his confidence.

Lily and Emma shared similar thoughts, impressed by Yuan's fearless stance.

'Three Asshole, huh? ...' Lily couldn't help but feel a surge of pride for her brave brother.

'Oh, these hormones! Young Master Yuan looks even more striking now.' Emma couldn't deny that Yuan's confidence added to his allure, causing her heart to race.

"What did you just say? Teach him a lesson, Lucas! Break each of this arrogant bastard's limbs one by one!" Jayden bellowed at Lucas, his face contorted in anger.

"Hahaha~ Let me teach—" Before Lucas could finish his sentence...


Lucas was sent hurtling, crashing into the wall and landing outside the restaurant.

"He... he... he's dead! Lucas is dead!" Erick stammered, his voice trembling as he examined Lucas's motionless body.


Silence fell over the crowd as they tried to process what they had just witnessed. No one had seen the events that unfolded, only the abrupt flight of Lucas towards the restaurant wall.

Hey, did anyone see what just happened?

"No idea! All I saw was him getting thrown out of the restaurant, and then he disappeared."

Whispers circulated among the onlookers, each person trying to make sense of the sudden event, causing a stir.

Jayden was in utter disbelief. He stared wide-eyed, fear gripping him, unable to comprehend what had just transpired.

'A third-circle mage... and he's gone, just like that?' Jayden couldn't detect any mana fluctuations around Yuan, suggesting that he hadn't used magic but relied solely on his sheer strength. 

He was baffled and terrified by the inexplicable turn of events.

Lily was just as astonished. Her eyes struggled to keep up with Yuan's lightning-fast actions as a cultivator. She couldn't help but wonder, a mix of amazement and pride on her face, "Has my little brother truly become this formidable?" as she looked at Yuan.


(Everyone, please support me by giving a vote on this chapter using the power stone! Also, please give a review of this book, which will help it secure a contract soon. That's all I wanted to say. Thank you,)