
Rose stared at her mother with a pondering gaze, clearly puzzled by her words. "What do you mean by that? Are you suggesting that we let that idiot, Henry, continue running his mouth without consequences?" Rose thought to himself, bewildered by his mother's approach.

"Mother, what are you trying to say?" Rose asked, her face reflecting her confusion.

Madam Layla inwardly sighed at her daughter's cluelessness. With a smirk on her lips, she whispered into Rose's ear, "Tell me, Rose, don't you dislike Henry and want him to stop pursuing you? He's been troubling you for a long time now, but you haven't done anything because of your concern for your father."

Rose's eyes narrowed slightly, her mother's words sinking in. She had to admit, she had been bothered by Henry's persistent advances for a long time, but the concern about her father's friendship had always held her back. Madam Layla's suggestion did make sense, but Rose still couldn't shake off her worries.