
As the morning sun painted the room with its gentle glow, Yuan remained nestled on his spacious bed, encircled by his wives. Suddenly, a tender sensation on his face roused him, and he blinked his eyes open.

Before him was his mother, Grace, her captivating features framed by an enigmatic smile. Yuan could tell it was her kiss that had stirred him from slumber.

Grace, her tone both shy and seductive, murmured, "It seems I roused you with my little...indulgence. You look so adorable and handsome when you sleep, I couldn't resist kissing you..."

Yuan shook his head ever so slightly, drawing her face closer to place a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Good morning, Mom Grace. There's no need to apologize. I was already on the brink of waking up."

Grace beamed warmly at Yuan, planting a tender kiss on his cheeks. Feeling the soft touch of his mother's lips, Yuan couldn't help but smile, his mind adrift.