After four days

As the first light painted the world, Yuan lay in his bed, seemingly in deep slumber, surrounded by his wives in the Monroe family's manor. 

His wives held him close, with Anna and Grace taking the most dominant positions, their embraces tight, his face nestled between their ample forms. Xi Meili lay atop him, her head resting on his chest, a gentle smile gracing her innocent face.

Emma, Lily, Rose, Julie, and Ava, unable to find space to cuddle, settled in beside Anna and Grace, who clung steadfast to their positions.

"Morning already? Why do I feel so... heavy?" Yuan mused, his senses slowly awakening. Softness enveloped his face, along with a sweet, familiar scent.

With a start, he opened his eyes, greeted by the drowsy countenances of his two mothers, realizing he was nestled between their tender embraces.

"Ah, Xi Meili..." Yuan understood the source of the weight as he spotted her slumbering atop him.