Monbrook City

After an hour of travel through the mountain range, Yuan and his wives finally emerged on the other side, the path free from any bandit encounters.

"Finally, we've made it across the mountains without any bandit trouble. It would have been much slower if we'd run into them," Yuan remarked, exhaling a relieved breath. He gazed ahead, anticipation in his eyes.

Standing on a vast cliff, they overlooked a forest that differed from the dense, foggy woods they'd encountered earlier. A wide road cut through this forest, leading straight to a city on the horizon. Although the distance was substantial, it was easily discernible to Yuan and his wives. They could also make out the long line of carriages and people waiting at the city's entrance.

"Little Yuan, you see those tall walls over there? That's Monbrook city," Lily pointed towards the city walls in the distance, continuing, "Judging by the line of carriages, it seems we'll need to wait for our permit to enter."