Leaving The Secret Realm

The following day, Fang Ling prepared a special breakfast for everyone, as Yuan had informed her of their departure early that morning. 

"Yuan, can't you stay a bit longer? After all, it's only been a week since you all arrived in the Secret Realm, and you still need to impregnate our granddaughter," Grandma Fang said with a gloomy expression. She didn't want them to leave without ensuring that Fang Xiaoyan would be pregnant with his child. 

Grandpa Fang entered the dining room and took a seat opposite Grandma Fang, adding, "That's right. You owe us a grandchild before you leave the Secret Realm."

Despite their pleas, Yuan knew he couldn't stay. Though he wanted to improve his cultivation, he had a larger mission: to travel the world in search of a way back to Earth.