Beyond His Capability

King Richard arrived at the scene and saw that nothing had happened to Roland; he was doing well. However, Lord Roland seemed furious at Fang Xiaoyan for injuring his son.

King Richard sighed in relief and asked, "It's good to see you're doing well, Robert. How do you feel? Any discomfort or pain?"

"Your Majesty, please! Avenge my son with your authority!" Lord Roland immediately bowed his head, his anger at Fang Xiaoyan clear.

"That's right, Your Majesty! You must avenge me and punish those people for their wrongs," Robert added, bowing his head as well, a furious look on his face, humiliated by the loss of face in front of everyone.

King Richard stared at them for a long moment, wondering how he should break it to them that he couldn't do anything. This was beyond even his authority as king.