
Half an hour ago,

 at the central region of the Head Realm,

Jianyu sat serenely at the center of an exquisite array formation, far from the presence of others. The gentle hum of the surrounding qi resonated in perfect harmony with his breaths. While in the lotus position, Jianyu had his eyes closed in a state of deep meditation.

The array formation, meticulously crafted, pulsed with energy, and Jianyu's meditation served to attune himself with the hidden realm's qi. The luminous moss on the walls seemed to respond to his meditative state, its glow intensifying and dimming in rhythmic waves with his every breath.

As he delved into the fundamental nature of his surroundings, Jianyu connected with the hidden realm's ambient qi, drawing upon its power through the array he had formed. The cavern's energy responded to his spiritual sense, creating an odd relationship between him and the mystical environment.

In this state of profound meditation, Jianyu's senses expanded, allowing him to feel the ebb and flow of the hidden realm's energy. He became attuned to the subtle glow of the luminous moss, the ambient qi, and the distant echoes within the labyrinthine passages.

"Hu..." As he let out a breath that seemingly dimmed the ambient luminescence until the surroundings had grown dark, and then as he opened his eyes that glowed like amethyst, the surroundings lit up fiercely, making one doubt if they were truly in a cave-like labyrinth.

"It seems..." His words steady and calm, silenced any other sounds around him, "...that Xifeng has already made her preparations..."

As he rose from his lotus position, his gaze fixed upon a certain point...

Through this Realm Converging Array, he had, to a minor extent, formed a connection to this realm. Moreover, utilizing the 'Life Jade Springs' water that he had previously formed alongside 'Spirit Rending Blaze', as a conduit in the array, he could vaguely detect the life essence of the disciples present in the hidden realm.

Combining that with the artifacts that he had previously handed out to Xifeng and the others, he now had a mind map of the realm that included the location of those inside it.

About an hour ago, Xifeng, after having restlessly traveled from one place to another, had stopped at a single location close to a life essence that seemed native to the realm, not too far from Jianyu's location.

And now, he could sense someone's life essence approaching her, "Now then..." This life essence has to be that of Xiao Dong. Jianyu had already placed enough pressure and stress on Yin Xifeng that she would simply have no choice but to either get rid of Xiao Dong or to use him...

Either way, "Time is Nigh..." Now that Xifeng and Xiao Dong will be in the same place, "I shall make my move as well."




"It's time to end this," Yin Xifeng spoke coldly as she stepped towards Xiao Dong, who was on his knees, his robe now tattered from the signs of his fierce battle.

Behind him was the gigantic ape, its corpse now pierced by the countless vegetative growths that covered its form. 'Even with the surprise attack, he proved to be quite a difficult foe...' Xifeng glared coldly as she looked down on Xiao Dong.

'Thankfully, I had already secured the Beast Emperor's tome.' The Beast Emperor was an ancient immortal known for his overwhelming ability to tame various beasts and even enhance them beyond their natural limits.

The Beast Emperor's tome was a grand treasure that was obtained by one of Xiao Dong's companions in the past timeline who was a descendant of the Beast Emperor, and now it had been obtained by Yin Xifeng.

As for what happened to the original owner of the treasure? Well... Xifeng had kindly bestowed upon her the honor of being able to rest in the same resting grounds as her esteemed ancestors.

"Well then," Upon getting close enough, Yin Xifeng prepared to attack as her fists were set ablaze, "Die Xiao Do-!!"

However, just as her fists were about to reach him, Xiao Dong threw an ancient-looking black jade bottle at Yin Xifeng.

As the bottle reached her fist, it shattered into countless pieces, turning into a shadowy mist.

"AArhhhhh!!!" Yin Xifeng howled in pain as she fell to her knees, clutching her head. A cacophony of screams echoed through her mind, and illusory shadows veiled her sight.

"Haha! You bitch! Finally, onto your knees!" Xiao Dong laughed maniacally as he walked forward, planning to pay this woman back for the humiliation he had suffered!

"Soul-Rending Blaze!" A familiar voice now reverberated through the hidden realm's walls, and with it came a mix of ashen and crimson flames assaulting Xiao Dong, sending him flying into the stone wall!

Xiao Dong's expression further distorted as he saw his assailant, Xin Jianyu, turn his back towards Xiao Dong, as if to him Xiao Dong was nothing more than an insect!




My body felt heavy and immovable. I no longer felt any sensations such as hot or cold. In a way, this experience was also somewhat like that of drowning but with countless voices tormenting me...

"Do not worry, Feng'er. I'll make sure you don't have to suffer from this unwanted engagement!"

Those words that my 'dearest' aunt had spoken as she helped me get rid of my cold unloving engagement... Or so I once thought, when in reality, she just wished to get rid of me...

"Just like her mother... Always being a nuisance to the family!"

Those were her true feelings... She had always hated me, made a fool out of me while maintaining a smile, masking her inner disgust...

"Young miss... I think you should try to talk it out with Lord Jianyu..."

Su Lan... Even though she was worried about me, I yelled at her, ignored her concern....


"This is the most I can do for you..."

...Even she grew distant, after all, that was to be expected after all that I had done...


I even did something like that to Mo Suyin...

"To all members of the Yin family, the authority of Yin Xifeng, as a member of the main family, has been revoked. She is henceforth declared a traitor to both the family and the sect."

My grandmother also...

Maybe it would be for the better if I simply died...







It was as if she was dragged out of the depths of hell. Xifeng opened her eyes to see Jianyu, his expression filled with worry.

Looking at his expression, Xifeng broke into a foolish smile, 'Just like back then!'

No matter what, he was the only one who still cared for her...

However, her smile and bliss were short-lived...

"???" The black shadowy mist that had entered her previously now latched onto Jianyu!

"Arghh!!" Jianyu clutched onto his head, letting out a pained groan.

"Jianyu!" Xifeng rushed to try and help Jianyu, alas, she had no idea what to do...

And to make things worse...

"Hahaha! Be honored, both of you, arrogant bastards get to die at the hands of my esteemed self!" Xiao Dong had already recovered and prepared to attack them...

Even though her body and mind were exhausted beyond measure, Xifeng dragged her body to shield Jianyu...

However... Soon silence fell upon all as a chilling wind blew and alongside it Jianyu's visage too blurred, soon reaching Xiao Dong... a cold, merciless, yet chaotic aura enveloped him.

[AN- I dont have a mouse... thus the chapter name]