Clayton’s girlfriend

It took a few second for my cousin to reach the scene of the crime and my aunt and uncle came right after. Scolding Clayton for having his indecent saga in the family kitchen. But then my angry grandmother who had just woken up stormed in angrily.

"What is going on? Why did you scream like that you brat?" she scolds me.

"Grandmother, Clayton was kissing that girl in the kitchen." Conan explains mischievously,

"I am not that girl; I am his girlfriend." Hailee defended herself.

The reaction of the rest of the family had been coordinated. Yes we had urged Clay to marry many times, but I knew everyone agreed with me on the choice of his bride.

"Sit down."

Grandmother ordered before ranting to the rest of the family on how to choose partners. She had stared to Hailee with an annoying face a few times. But Clayton had defended her, a really nice defence, Clayton wasn't an ideal man to marry. Yes he was a handsome rich man, but he was what many called a playboy, though many women still desired him, he like Hailee had flaws that women should rather run away from

"You were the one who urged me to settle down remember?"

Clayton reasons, looking pitiful at grandmother a gesture only worked when grandmother was reluctant of her decisions. But tonight, grandmother would not budge, he had noticed himself by the frown on her face when he had tried to be cute.

"It is not happening Clayton! You are not marrying that woman."

"But grandmother….."

"Any woman is fine just not her." Grandmother puts her foot down before leaving the room along with my aunt and uncle. I see the hurt in his eyes, maybe he really like this Leech girl. But there is no way I am letting this happen.

"And please do whatever you were doing in your room, the kitchen is for food for goodness's sake." I tried to lighten up his mood before leaving the room, but I only hear Conan who was still extremely interested in what was happening laugh. I know Clay was glaring at him.

The next morning Hailee hadn't left yet, she had woke before Clay to 'take care' of grandmother. Who seem to disapprove in everything she does.

"But grandmother…."

"Don't you ever call me grandmother you brat." Grandmother would yell each time Hailee called her grandmother. That is Melisa Beckett for you, strong backbone, and unyielding resolve.

Many would call our family toxic for not letting Clayton have his way. But Hailee is just not the right fit for him, she is a woman who singlehandedly destroyed a close acquittance's life. He might not be naïve enough to lose his company, but he might get hurt. And I do not want my only bear to be wounded.

"Why did you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Scream like that, now the whole family know about my girlfriend."

"It was traumatic Clay; I couldn't comprehend what had just happened." I pout, how could he call that Leech a girlfriend, I need to intervene, find him a better suitor to marry.

"Whatever you are thinking it will not happen" Clayton exclaimed "Besides, Hailee is not that bad Cyan; she is a good girl."

"Why are you doing this huh?"

"Grandmother, she is not feeling well lately. I do not want to lose her before making her wish come true like mom and dad."

"So, you find the biggest Leech in the planet to marry, and you think grandmother would be happy?" what a crazy man he is, I know grandmother would love to see us get married, but this is just reckless.

"You will never understand, just keep the mean comments to yourself, Hailee is sensitive."

"I will keep them to myself if she keeps her mouth shut." I yell to his raging back, as he leaves the room.

(Clayton POV)

'Ugh, why is everyone against my relationship, it is not like she will take my money. She loves me, I hope. And I tolerate her, it was hard for me to find a woman I tolerate.' I could not comprehend my family's actions, I had always been responsible, and they had trusted me since.

Grandmother had criticised my 'fast' way of living, 'what if you catch disease from all the girls you sleep with. they Had hated my way of breaking the law occasionally, but the reaction against Hailee is too much.

"Honey, your grandmother called me a b*tch" she does talk too much sometimes and is annoying. "You should take care of her." And she is dumb most of the times, but that is a good wife for me. I will always be in control of the relationship. "Honey."

"What do you want me to do Hailee?" I snap at her, ugh, it is almost aunt's dinner and I do not want to ruin it.

"Tell her that our marriage will happen even if she doesn't approve." Maybe they are right, maybe I should just dump this trash where it belongs, how dare she speak even a foul word about my grandmother?

"Hailee should know her boundaries,"

"Huh, what do you…." I see the horror on her face once she realized her mistake.

I had admired her ability on using her looks for making money, she had also make sure her fraudulent marriages always passed as legit. But she is beginning to irritate me.

"I am sorry, I was so angry I spoke ill of grandmother. I will never do the same mistake again."

"Good, now go and help others prepare for the party and stop annoying me."

Maybe this love route is wrong, I should just find a good business partner to marry. I am not like father who had found a precious woman as mother to put up with his craziness. 'They must be so disappointed in me, I not only had took lives. But I am also not finding a lovely wife like they would have loved.'

After taking a shower and joining the family for dinner. Even though they had shoot Hailee glares, they still didn't talk ill of her tonight, it was all about aunt tonight and no one was going to ruin it.

"Stay where you are, I will come fetch you. Please breathe."

Cyan having trouble with her friends yet again, nothing unusual, just another ploy to get our family's favour using my sister. And overdone thing that Cyan had known enough to see through it.

"Leah please breathe, I will get you out. Don't panic, it will scare Zoey okay."

This seems different, Cyan had friends that had pulled this stunt before. They would call with a problem, but it would all be a ploy to get to the Beckett house.

"I thought you learned from your mistakes. But you are rushing to yet another girl's aid." I scold her as she put her phone down in panic.

"Leah would never use me; tell aunt I will be back. I need to rescue her."

"You are not bringing her here; you speak of Hailee as if she is a Leech but you dear Leah seems to be just that."


I watch as she run out the house, here we go again. Cyan had always made terrible friends. She hadn't had any freeloading friends since she started collage. But now seem like she is going back to her old ways. 'Guess I am going to threaten and beat up someone for hurting my little sister soon.' I sigh as I go tell grandmother of the bad friend Cyan had just made yet again.