Let My eyes Linger.

"Ms. Leech."

"Honey you should call me by my name, we are going to get married soon, so we should speak intimately." She giggles, "I told you grandmother approves yesterday, you should have seen how shocked she was when I gave her an ultimatum."

His chair seems to have thorns, he loosens up his tie, to help him breathe more. Maybe it is the pressure in his lungs that is making him feel repulsed by her. It doesn't help, in fact her lustful eyes at his actions makes him want to commit a crime.

"Ms. Leech."

"Honey?" the formality in his tone makes her frown, she had expected him to call he Hailee like he had always had.

"This relationship is not working, so, I am going to end it indeterminately."

The words choke her up, he watches as her eyes becomes teary and he want to curse her out his office. He was never the one to take the moral high ground, he was a terrible person. One who should get agitated that a girl whose heart he had just broke is sad at the end of their relationship.

"Why?" she asks. He snorts at her question, he owes her no explanation, she herself had seen how his family disapproves. But she went along and threatened his grandmother and sits here and calls it an ultimatum.

"Yesterday when you visited my grandmother, what did you say to her?"

"I…. nothing, I would never."

"Just tell me what you said to her, I am not scolding you."

He was his forehead had curl up and his brown eyes almost looked red with anger. His menacing look was enough to make her cry.

"I am sorry, I was just angry that she keeps disapproving our love."

She wasn't taking accountability for her mess up; his grandmother might have been right about having enough an ego for two people. It didn't take long before he had called Cain to escort her out. And still with a stream of tears, he still didn't budge. "you should rejoice I didn't kill you now." He threatened, an empty threat, sure he was not one to keep his hands clean, he had taken lives before, but those were lives who deserved it.

After she had left he sat on his chair and watched the rain continue to pour down. 'Why did I have a change of heart?' when he met Hailee he was sure she had been the one, she was a beautiful girl, one of the things that drew him to her. But him giving up on a relationship this easy is unheard of.

"Sir, Mr. Leviton cancelled the 5 o'clock meeting because of the rain."

Going home early today might not be bad, he might catch the little tortoise, who had memorized his schedule enough to hide away from him before he reaches home.


"It is fine Cain; you can go home. I was thinking of going home myself."

Cain need not to be told again, sounds of his parting steps were the only thing left in the room. Cayton wasn't long after he head home himself, the beauty of driving in the rain with warm music makes his heart full.

One would call him a psychic if they had witness how he predicted the day, 'so this is where Cyan learned changing hair colour every week.' She had a green dye a week they have met, and it seems she had changed it to pink recently.

But for him it is not the hair colour, it is the action that makes him puzzled. He had learned about her painting skills; Cyan had made sure she praised them every minute she introduced her to a new person.

She wore noticeably short sweatpants, and a huge collage T-shirt and had a messy bun to her magnificent pink hair. Her short pants had exposed her beautifully gifted butt a little. And the image of her focusing on the image she was painting was mad sexy, well you might not find it sexy, but Clayton did.

He gulped the salivating saliva before he drools. He bites his lower lip and just stood there watching her, maybe the reason he had a change of hearts with his relationship is his lingering eyes.

Kaleah was busy on her new painting she wanted to dedicate to her mother all day, she had realised that she had little to no picture of her and she wanted to paint her before she forgets her beautiful face.

She had felt eyes on her, but she had assumed it was Melisa since she would come and admire her or give her food every once in a while. But she had been mad wrong, she had took a glance at the door wanting to greet Melisa only to be greeted by a pair of eyes she would rather not meet.

"Ah.. Mr. Beckett, welcome home."

Even living in the same house, she had done a decent job avoiding being confronted by him again. She had even gone as far as to learn his schedule by heart.

"You are very scarce; one would think you were avoiding me."

"Avoid you, what? Me? Why would I avoid you sir?" she lies proudly, but if one knew her well they would depicted her raising voice as a sign of her lies right away. But Clayton had just met, he wouldn't know.



"Call me Clayton."

"Okay." She replies, but with his unchanged gaze she became anxious., he was just five years older than her, calling him sir was not weird at all. But who questions the devil incarnate.

"Do you want me to teach you how to say it?"

'What does he want now? Why is he looking at me like that?' Sparks had always flew when these two were involved, sparks that made Kaleah scared but Clayton excited. 'I wonder how many times she cursed at me internally' he thought.

"What? No, I know how."


"Oh, you mean I can say it now?" his instant nod, made her look in his eyes once more, she waited for the punchline of the joke, before deciding to do as she is told. "Clayton"

She says with just only a whisper, but he sure heard it because his frown became a bright smile when she had said his name. 'He is weird' she thought to herself.



"Say it again, only louder this time." He orders like a creep he is.

"Oh, um… Clayton."

With the last sound of her voice, she looks at Clayton again, he seems to be approaching her. "Why is he coming here?" she accidentally voiced her concerns out yet again. He only smiled mischievously without stopping from approaching. She did what she only could, shut her eyes and pray he stops and leave.

Her prayers sure didn't reach the resolute person because it doesn't take long for her to feel his breath on her skin. "You really like closing your eyes huh?" he asks, she feels his finger touch her cheek in an attempt to tuck her hair under her ear.

"You should open your eyes, before you get into real trouble."

"Don't kill me" she yells immediately after his threat opening her eyes. He smirks, looking straight to her globelike green eyes.

"Now that I look at you up close, you are kind of cute."

He had ran his fingers on her exposed thigh seductively, 'he is a jerk, he is a jerk.' Kaleah had tried to push all her lustful thoughts by reminding herself of his personality.

"Um…. Oh, spicy."

Of course, Conan is the one who catches the moment, he had been told to go call Kaleah by Melisa and was fortunate to be blessed with this.

"Don't mind me, continue. Oh, wait pause for a second. Let me get some popcorn."

"It is not what is looks like." Kaleah says pushing Clayton away, "I had something in my eye, and he was helping me."

"Oh, how noble of him." The annoying Conan says earning a quadrillion eyeroll from his cousin, "grandma is looking for Kaleah. Finish with Mr. Optometrist there and go to her room."

Conan was gone as quick as he came, Clayton still looking smug. 'How is he not embarrassed by this?' she steals a few glances at the peculiar human.

"You know for you to lie like that means you have something to hide."

"What? Hey, I am not so immoral that I would lust over a taken man." She had said before rushing out the room. All Clayton could do was chuckle, 'she is really cute' he thought.