Death of a queen

[Clayton POV]

Just feeling her heartbeat as fast as mine as I taste the lips, I have yearned for this long makes me so happy, but one thing that I clearly regret, having a little sister.

"Ahem." Cyan interrupts me mid-kiss yet again, and unlike the previous time I am not pleased with this interruption, I might have praised her for interrupting me previously but not this one.

"Ah... what bring you here Cyan." I exclaim at the amused Cyan still keeping track of my blushing bride, between anger and satisfaction, who would have known I could feel like that.

"Oh... sorry I didn't knock didn't know you were busy."

"Then leav…."

"We are not, we just finished going over our vision for the wedding." Kaleah interrupts frantically, yet still blushing.

"Really?" I asked unamused, when our eyes meet, she flinches before looking away.

"Um... yes." She says with just a whisper, I hear Cyan chuckle at the scene, ugh, she knows it is her fault this room is awkward.

"Anyway, since we have our final decisions on the wedding, I think we should leave." She said signaling Cyan to agree with her, but knowing Cyan, she probably would deny her this request.

"Um... No, I want to spend some time with my brother." She said with a smug on her face, I want to laugh at how angry Kaleah gets after the statement, "come on you should also spend some time with your future husband." She continues to taunt.

"We have already spent time together right Clayton?" Kaleah asks, her pleading eyes had made me forget what I was even about to say, pure perfection.

"Yeah, besides I need to get back to work." I say, Cyan is clearly confused my resolve, maybe it is because if it were a normal day, I would have sided with her and kept Kaleah around even more, but it was not, and I didn't Kaleah to be uncomfortable.

Kaleah let out a sigh of relief, and smiled at me, I know Cyan is probably angry at me right now, but that smile is a million times worth Cyan's anger.

The two had left shortly after that with Kaleah not forgetting to tell me to have my lunch like the true wife she is.

"Sir…we have a problem," I look up from my computer to see Cain hysteric at my door.

"What is Cain? I can't read minds you know." I roll my eyes, but he doesn't give a snide remark back, instead he sighs.

"Mrs. Beckett was involved in a car accident while coming from her tea party, she was rushed at the hospital."

"What? What was Rain doing isn't she grandmother's driver?" I can feel my universe crumble, grandmother was healthy, she wouldn't die that easily, but that is what we said about father and mother as well.

"Sir… No, Clayton, can you please not freak out."

"Don't tell me what to do Cain."

"Sorry, but Clay, I think we need to head to the hospital first before freaking out, the extreme of her injuries were not communicated, it might end up being just a scratch."

I want to shout at him to shut up, but I can't at this point he seems to be the one who is saner that I am, so it is right to listen to him.

We do not take our time to arrive at the hospital, well I was driving like a mad man to get there, when I arrived, Kaleah and Cyan were already there. Even Rain's family was there.

"What happened?" I ask angrily, "how did this accident even happen?"

"Calm down Clayton, it is not that terrible of an impact, luckily Rain notice the cut brakes before it was too late." Cyan explained calmly.

"Cut brakes?" how absurd is that I know very well after mother and father's murder which was done in the similar manner, I made sure to kill those b*stards who did it with my bare hands. Seem I might have left some rotten apples behind.

"Rain drove into a tree; she had already called paramedic and police to her location."

"How is she?"

"She is okay, only a few bruises, the impact didn't affect her that much. Well, they said her feet are a bit injured but only a few weeks and she will be back at being healthy."

"And grandmother?"

"She is just shocked; Conan is with her trying to make her laugh with his tasteless jokes."

I leave Cyan's side to greet Rain's family, her husband who was a frenetic smile when he saw me. "Oh… Mr. Beckett, how have you been?"

"I have been great and you."

"Great" he says softly before looking down, "my wife is devoted to her job, I know this might have caused your grandmother's life but don't fire her."

I widened my eyes in shock, yes, I was known as a firing manic back when I started becoming a CEO, but I only fired incompetent fools, like why would I fire Rain who had just earned a scar protecting my grandmother.

"Mr. Coley, you are misunderstanding something, I am not firing your wife."

"You are not?" I watch the whole family let out a sigh of relief, before having smiling faces again, guess I am terrible boss.

"I wanted to say thank you to her and your family, thank you for letting her be my grandmother's driver and thank her being so devoted."

After the small conversation I followed Cyan and Kaleah to grandmother's room. She didn't have any scars on her surprisingly and Conan was telling this stupid story, but it made her laugh, thankfully.

"Oh… my grandchildren. Come here" she mutters after seeing us enter.

"I will wait outside," Kaleah tried to leave but grandmother protested.

"What? why?" she asked.

"I am necessarily not part of this family, so I don't want to intrude."

"Who said you were intruding?" Melisa asked, "come sit with me, you are part of this family."

She gestured with her hand for Kaleah to seat on her bed, we both smiled at Kaleah who had seemed to want to isolate herself.

"Oh... come on Leah, you are going to marry me in a few weeks, doesn't that make you Mrs. Beckett?" I teased.


We all looked in the direction of the voice, and my face completely hardened with anger, there she was Hailee fricking Leech, adorned with black clothes and a long black veil, in her hands were white flowers. Seem I have found the culprit of my grandmother's accident.