Chapter 22: The hunt. A dungeon had finished for ever.

After I entered the dungeon. I saw the way to each floor was very narrower than I thought. Soon, I felt something and saw beneath my feet. Water was rising at a really slow pace but it would be dangerous if a person stays here for at least six hours.


It wasn't easy to clear this dungeon because it mostly had sea monsters inside with legs and claws and also some of them holding weapons. I proceeded to the first floor, I wanted to clear this dungeon today more than twenty times, it wasn't easy but I know how to do it.

After a little bit of walk I saw a huge gate opening up and then crocodiles like monsters with spears attacked me with a great speed. From a normal human eye it could be seen as a racing car moving at a speed of about four hundred kilometers per minute. But for me they were as slow as a sloth. I used my heat-vision and attacked them but it didn't hurt them well enough because they were in a place full of water and using water magic they could create water shields and weapons.


They growled and attacked me but I was surprised because they dealt a little bit of damage to me. One of them threw his spear at me, I didn't dodged it but I was wrong about them. It's spear hit my arm and gave little injury.


Damn it. They're using Magic on it. I quickly froze them and then punched them breaking them like glass. Shit, I didn't expect that to happen maybe I got carried out of myself but I'll be careful now. Their are more of them which means I would have to freeze them first before killing them.

I then activated my Forcefield 's protection and went forward. This time I found three groups of five sea monster banded together, they were turtles, puffer fishes, crocodiles and Electric Snakes! Man I need to take them out and clear the dungeon ASAP. The water level has started to rise at a fast pace so I proceeded fastly. About half an hour, I cleared all the floors and was heading towards the Boss Monster's room. I opened the gate and saw a huge three head water dragon. It's eyes were filled with bloodlust and it was calm. It didn't care about the attackers and used to see them as pests. I then jumped forward and landed near him.


It didn't make a move so I proceeded but as soon I stepped forward the ground started to shake and then. Boom!!!


Suddenly, a loud explosion occurred and water rushed in out of the ground and filled the entire place in a few seconds. It didn't bother me because I had powerful lungs so I could breath and even fight in underwater easily without air. But then, a growl echoed through the place and the dragon rushed towards me, flipping it's tail and hit me creating a shockwave in the water sending me far away smashing in the wall. It was really strong. It then came near me and smashed it's claw on me but I defended it on time. Then I punched it's hand moving it away. He growled in anger and pain and grabbed me with it's claw. It then pressed hard on me. I felt a my back in pain. Then I used freeze breath and froze it hand and broke it with all of my force. I then used my heat-vision on all of his eyes.


He cannot kill if he cannot see.


Then I punched on one of it's heads and smashed it's nose. He growled in anger and throw his own freeze breath on me. It wasn't that powerful but it could easily kill many people at once . I used my heat-vision and melted the ice. I grabbed a big rock from near the place I was and jumped high enough smashing on it's head breaking it's forehead. Now two head's were remaining one of them who had horns rushed towards me and I dodged it in time, it went past me and got stuck in the wall.


I then used this chance as my advantage and went straight upwards. Then I rushed downwards it's head with great speed and force and smashed on it's head breaking it's horn and used my heat-vision on it's neck after grabbing it. It started to bleed and I left it because now it was bleeding rapidly and would die soon enough. Now only one head remained, I thunder-clapped and moved it away. Then I used my speed and strength and started to attack it rapidly. I grabbed it's tail and started to swing in circles and left him when I was fast enough. The impact was hard, it's head got smashed on it's thrown it was sitting before. I moved away and then rushed towards him and punched him in the neck breaking it's Bone. Soon, it was dead cold.

I was breathing rapidly, now that the water level had gone to zero. Soon, many cores and a skill book was dropped. I picked it up and my eyes widened. It was an S-rank book.


( S-rank skills: Blood manipulation:. Allows the user to manipulate blood of his opponent on his will. When using this, the other person cannot use magic because blood damages the body organs from inside and the person feels enough pain. Costs more than half of users mana). -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Well then I found a ring. It was an S-rank storage ring which was extremely rare. Many things can be stored inside it. I wore it and it disappeared instantly as soon as I wore it. Then I could see a transparent storage ground. I then picked up the loot I earned from other monsters and the Boss Monster and thought to store it. As soon as I thought to store the loot it disappeared instantly and appeared Infront of my eyes in the transparent storage ground and then the storage ground disappeared. I then placed my hand on the skull and was transferred outside. It took me two hours to clear it. Then I again dived in the dungeon and dived for twenty four times. When I came back outside, the twenty four time. I was heading back and was about a few feet away from the huge monolith when the ground started to shake.


Suddenly, the monolith exploded creating a wide range of impact. I quickly saved the people who were near it. Soon, everyone was silent what they saw now was unbelievable. The huge monolith got destroyed and monsters were outside and were going to attack the people. I then immediately jumped high in the sky flew a few more meters up and dived on the ground creating a shockwave that damaged most of the monsters. Then I used my heat-vision and burnt them to ashes. This time it was easy, the monsters were the same but I was directly getting sunlight and was healed up. My injury was gone now. I felt relieved because now I remember why this happened before. I didn't bask in the sunlight for long enough that's why my body didn't have any stored energy. After dealing with the monsters I again saw the A-rank Titan the water dragon. I immediately grabbed it's tail due my big advantage now I flew with it upwards until I was in space then I threw it towards the sun and punched it throwing it far away. Now, it would die easily. Then I had enough time so before going back I started basking in the sunlight. It felt good and made me feel more comfortable and powerful then before.