The Weekend Offer

chapter 7

The Weekend Offer

Michelle looked at her watch helplessly. "Get up, Abraham. It's 9 am. Today is Friday ,and Gideon is bringing Isaac here today, come on, get up." She giggled.

Abraham's eyes barely opened, and he tried to lift the cobwebs on his eyelids. Michelle busted into laughter. Sure, he had lost his sanity ,and was present in this less delusional reality only because of her. His gaze locked on her face, he screamed.

"Are you okay now, Abbey? How was heaven? Isn't hell better?"

"Say, I think I heard you talk about Isaac? Did you talk about Eve too? What's going on?" Abraham played the role of curiosity efficiently ,and with maximum credibility. Michelle acted seriously – surprised ,and embarrassed.

"Oh, boy. I forgot to tell you! Eve called and asked that we take care of Isaac over the weekend, and she'll pick him up on Sunday morning. I hope that's okay ,and that you don't have a problem with it." Abraham continued to act as the grumpy husband ,and decided to check how far he could annoy her,

"Out of the question, Michelle! Maybe I feel like going away for the weekend? The three of us – you, me, and our baby! Eve ,and Isaac won't spoil my plans, understand? I won't be her babysitter. Let's say I agreed, would she give something in return? I don't do things for free. ,and I am not Eve's sucker!"

Eve's offer was at the tip of Michelle's tongue, but she decided to make it harder for him.

"I'm sorry. The only thing Eve offered is that we take Isaac, and she will think of a way to make it up to you later."

He held himself back from exposing her and answered with disinterest.

"If that is the case, I am going back to sleep! If you want the role of babysitter, go to Eve's house to stay with Isaac until Sunday. Or maybe until he is 18. I think both of you get along fine."

Michelle was tired of this annoying ping pong, and she wanted to move things forward.

"Oh, Abraham, I just remembered! Eve offered to postpone alimony by a month and revoke the stay of the exit order! What do you say? Are you game? Can we get ready to take Isaac now?"

Abraham got out of bed immediately as he clutched her arms ,and said hysterically, "Why didn't you say so before? Are you playing games with me? Did you plan this with Eve? Do I look stupid to you? Be careful, Michelle. You're starting to become more ,and more like that scum. You must think you can do me in because you have a child with me, right? I figured you out, you're both mean ,and conniving, and I won't fall for your trap!"

Michelle retreated, unable to comprehend his remarks. She was horrified as the dark side of his personality was baring itself in front of her.

"Are you insane? Do you hear yourself? Eve ,and me? Evil? Want to do you in?"

Abraham's brain was working tirelessly. He realized he had gone too far and was going to be screwed! He hurriedly laughed madly, waving his hands.

"I fooled you, Michelle! I was just kidding. ,and you, you thought I was serious? Did you forget I'm an actor?"

Michelle was floored again by his reaction ,and couldn't understand when he was sober ,and when he was kidding. He hugged her with questioning warmth ,and affection. He stroked her hair ,and face softly ,and whispered, "I'm sorry, Michelle, my love. I didn't mean to upset you or frighten you. Don't forget I love you ,and your baby more than anything else. More than myself. I promise not to do that again! But, in case it happens again, know that I am kidding!" He laughed meanly. "I am an actor through ,and through."

Tears of relief ,and understanding trickled from her eyes ,and wet her cheeks. He held her closer and continued to stroke her. Michelle was worried, confused, and depressed as she thought, "Is something wrong with me? Am I paranoid? Abraham loves me so much, and I have such dark thoughts?"

"Come on, Michelle. We must get ready to pick up Isaac, remember? Go make us breakfast."

"Okay, Abraham, my dear. I'm going. I hope you forgive me for everything. I just want us to get along."

Abraham smiled at her with a fake smile as Michelle entered the kitchen, singing ,and dancing in a good mood. Abraham again held the letter opener in his hand, and his fingers slid over the blade. Suddenly, the phone rang, and Abraham picked up the phone, surprised to hear Eve's voice.

"Hello, Abraham, how are you? I understand that you know Isaac is coming to stay with you on the weekend?"

"Hello, Eve! Michelle just let me know Isaac was coming, that's great, we'd love to have him."

"That's why I'm calling, is it okay with you? Can you come ,and pick Isaac up in a little while?"

"Sure Eve, no problem, we'll be there in an hour."

"That's great Abraham, thank you. You ,and Michelle, you're both great. I'm sure Isaac would have fun, give him whatever he likes, it's on me. Isaac wouldn't want to come back after this weekend." They both laughed cordially, and Abraham asked nonchalantly.

"Say, I'm curious. Didn't Isaac prefer staying with Gideon until you?

get back?"

"Unfortunately, Isaac ,and Gideon don't get along very well. Isaac is already complaining that Gideon is bothering him."

"I understand, I hope Gideon isn't hurting Isaac, are you sure everything is, okay?"

"Don't worry! I always check that Gideon is staying away from Isaac.

If there were a problem, I would know about it."

Eve hanged up, so did Abraham. They both stood still, deep in thought. A short while later, Abraham's car left the driveway ,and turned into the street, as it disappeared into the distance. Abraham was driving, and Michelle sat on the passenger side. They continued their drive quietly. As the car passed by the landfill, they both grunt in distaste, suffocating from the smell in the air. Michelle turns on the radio, searching for a station that begins broadcasting news, but to her surprise, Abraham changes the station, and they listen to songs.

Abraham ,and Michelle got to Eve's house just at the promised time to pick up Isaac. Isaac protested against going with them as he wanted to accompany his mom saying he felt an impending doom approaching. To coax him, for the sake of the promise made to him, Abraham promised, "I have a great idea, Isaac! This afternoon we can all go to the amusement park. On Saturday morning we can go to the zoo ,and later we'll see a new kid's film ,and eat loads of ice cream! Even if you wanted to stay on Sunday, we would force you to come back to Eve!"

Everyone clapped their hands and cheered. Abraham hugged Isaac.

,and stroked his hair softly. They both waved their hands goodbye to eve. Gideon went into his car, bitter ,and angry, and disappeared without a second glance at anyone. Abraham looked in his direction.

,and felt his disgust growing. He walked Isaac towards his car, and Michelle hurried behind them.

Eve screamed, "Watch him well! Don't forget there are all kinds of perverts around! Don't mess up my vacation. Isaac, I feel this is going to be the greatest experience of your life. Probably for Abraham ,and me ,and Michelle too. "

Michelle put the bag in the trunk and sat with Isaac in the back seat as Abraham started the car ,and drove off without another glance at Eve, who was waving at them goodbye! Rain showered and began falling again. The car passed quietly by the landfill. José was lying curled up in his blanket, jumped up in fright as one of the roof covers of his shed made of iron dislodged ,and flew off into the sky in a blood-curdling whistle landing broken on the ground. Abraham tried to lighten the mood by singing, "What a Wonderful World," Michelle joined in, and they both sounded like the locust that fell on Egypt. Isaac smiled politely, humming the song ,and clapping with disinterest as his eyes showed fear! A great fear! Slowly but surely, a heavy feeling of dread settled on his chest, unknown, unexplained but hovering above them like a black cloud hiding something satanic!