Chapter 18 The "Singing Pervert" trial

The world was created in seven days …and the seven days that Abraham and Eve have gone through each in his own house symbolize the destruction of their own private and personal world. At the end of the seven days, the grieving parents manage to gather the mental and vital energy and return to work and practices. Two weeks later the camera's and the eyes of the people are focused on the suspect in Isaac's murder…Joshua Solomon...sitting on the accused bench looking with an apathetic look at the heavy wooden desk in front of him and at the twelfth jury entering the court room and sitting on their chairs to the right of the judges podium. They all stare at Joshua with blank stares. People of all walks of life sit in the silent on the plain wooden benches in the court room; men, women, young, old, students, soldiers…and they all stare with hate? Pity? Disgust? At Joshua wide heavy back. He is sitting on the accused chair in the court room next to his lawyer David Stein. He is dressed plainly as his lawyer wears an oversized ragged suit with an old white shirt and an annoying tie. On their left is the prosecutions desk and next to it stand Anita McCoy and her assistant Jack Jones the prosecution's representatives in the case. They wear their best clothes and a snotty look on their faces befitting lawyers confident in their cause and the outcome of the trial. Their heads are filled with future fame, prestige and money!! The media's representatives are also present. The radio, written press and television located in a way which will make it easy for them to film the trial, the judge, the crowd and the prosecution and defense desks that are the main attraction for the media. Abraham and Michelle are sitting a few seats away and Eve and Gideon are sitting behind the prosecution's desk nervous. Mickey and Wally sit behind the defense table, whispering and often peeking at Isaac's parents and the accused. The uniformed officer standing by the heavy wooden table at the end of the hall watches everyone present and yells out loud

"All raise…the honorable judge Stephen Walls"

The tall and authoritative figure of the judge appears through the door connecting his chamber to the court room. He is wearing a dark suit with a cream colored shirt and judge's robes. He stands by his chair looking at the crowd in the room and sits down. He looks at the folder in front of him and bangs his gavel twice on the podium and speaks into the microphone in front of him.

"Please be seated! Case number 2548/07, state of New-York versus Joshua Solomon is now in session!!"

The courtroom is silent aside from the television cameras. The judge turns to the defense and prosecution

"Esteemed defense and prosecution representatives…do you have any reservation with regards to the jury appointed by the court?" They both stand and reply in turn

"We confirm the jury as selected by the court"

"Before we discuss the charges brought before this court I will have you know that there are other charges for Pedophilia and child molestation pending against the suspect Joshua Solomon who are not being discussed in this case and will be brought before the court at a later date! Good morning to my esteemed friends. The prosecution representative Anita McCoy and the defense counsel Mr. David Stein… and good morning to the jury! We shall now move on to the matter pending before this court… Joshua Solomon, you are charged with kidnapping and murdering the boy Isaac, the son of Eve and Abraham and hiding his body in the Anderson Landfill! What is your plea? Guilty or not guilty?"

A cacophony of whispers and excited mumbling begins in the courtroom. Some of the crowd guesses that he will plead guilty and some say he won't! To everyone's surprise a loud debate goes on between David and Joshua regarding the matter and reaches unwanted tones and even conflict.

"Quiet in the courtroom…"

The judge bangs his gavel angrily…

"I demand quiet...the crowd is disturbing the trial and if it continues I will have everyone removed!!"

Everyone quiet down… similar to a symphony ordered to stop movement and sound.

"The accused and his proxy will answer my query immediately…I will not stand for delays and conflicts"

The judge ends his words after banging the gavel angrily again and waits impatiently. David angrily flings off Joshua's hand holding his arm. He is frustrated and disappointed. Joshua is apparently trying to explain something of importance to him but he stands up with his hands fisted and retorts

"Your honor!! Against my direction and demand the accused has decided to plead not guilty!! I would have the court register that the accused decision is against my judgment and therefore I would ask the court to release me from representing Joshua Solomon and appoint him a different advocate".

The whispers and murmurings begin again among the crowd and especially at the prosecution's table who are surprised by this request. The TV commentators surprised and nervous as everyone else, start broadcasting excitedly.

"My dear Mr. Stein. You were appointed to represent the accused in this case, with the complete agreement of your client…"

The judge waves a document in the air…

"Don't forget both you and the accused signed this document regarding your mutual agreement to the representation process. I would like both representatives to approach me now!"

The two watch each other in confusion. They approach the judge's table and he covers the microphone in his hand. He leans over his desk and whispers at them as everyone present in the courtroom and the TV viewers are confused and curious.

"I would like to inform you Mr. Stein, that I am not releasing you from the representation of the accused in this case so that I don't have to charge you and the accused with contempt!! I assume that the prosecution also agrees that you continue representing the accused!! But I am going to go beyond the letter of the law and will shortly explain to the accused the implication of his guilty plea!! But hear me out now…only in the event that the accused understands the meaning of his decision and still pleads not guilty after my explanation, would you be able to be released from representing him and only if he so demands it!! Do you understand me? Does the defense and prosecution concur and accept my decision in this matter?"

"Yes judge! I understand and have no objection to proceeding according to the principal implied and set in this ruling!"

Says Anita McCoy as she watches the judge uncompromisingly and then turns a challenging look at David Stein

"I understood you, judge and I have no choice but to accept your ruling"

Says David Stein and watches the judge in frustration, his face bright red! The two lawyers seem like Gladiators in the ring, armed with swords and shields ready to fight one another to the bitter end. The judge looks at the two angry cocks. He smiles in understanding and quickly whispers

"Relax, my friends… for all I care you can even practice some meditation or yoga and stop showing your claws! Return to your desks and we'll continue due process before I arrest both of you for attempted murder with your cover love glances"

He laughs out loud and waves his hands as if waving flies away.

"Go on…to your places!!!"

The two watch each other again with threatening… threatened looks, smile in embarrassment and return to their places. The judge watches them mockingly and turns his eyes at Joshua who is still closed off and stares apathetically off into space.

"The accused…Joshua Solomon! I would like to explain to you the full meaning of your decision to plead not guilty".

He says with authoritativeness.

"When you plead in front of a judge that you do not plead guilty to the charges attributed to you, of kidnapping and murdering the boy Isaac…you are taking a big risk and even a fateful one at that because as soon as you are proven guilty beyond the shadow of a doubt…the sentence according to the letter of the law may set a term of imprisonment with a possibility of parole or imprisonment without the possibility of parole, or life with or without the possibility of parole which can range from 25 to 40 years."

He whispers threateningly.

"And there is also the possibility that you might get a sentence of death!!! I ask that you think carefully about this explanation. After you have made your final decision you are required to answer my previous question…just to remind you – guilty or not guilty!! Think well and give this court your answer!! Don't forget Joshua…your new decision will be your final decision…there is no going back".

It seems as though all eyes on earth are staring at Joshua's back that's hiding his thoughts. Everyone leans forward towards the accused with inhuman intensity and await his new decision. The judge looks at the court file but he is also wound up tight waiting anxiously for Joshua's decision that seems as if he's floating up in space thinking philosophically about the meaning of life and the importance of fate. David Stein tries to catch his attention continuously and advise him to plead guilty and make a deal with the prosecution but Joshua stubbornly refuses to take notice of his comments and finally turns to the judge standing up.

"Your honor…I have thought again and again and looked at it from every angle possible and I say again what I pled before… I am not guilty of these charges and I do not confess…I will never confess to these acts".

He pounds the desk in rage and screams

"The police and prosecution have decided to frame me"

David Stein turns pale and looks as though he swallowed a frog. He tries to stop Joshua from continuing. The prosecution lawyers are shocked and jump up from their seats as if bitten by a snake

"Your honor!!!"

Says Anita McCoy.

"I can't believe my ears!! I demand this is stricken from the record!! This is unbelievable!!"

The judge turns to the court typist.

"Please strike the last words of the accused from the record".

He turns to the jury.

"I would ask you not to take into account the accused words!!"

He turns to Joshua

"Cease at once!! I will not tolerate incitement in this courtroom and during my hearings. Next time I will with contempt".

David Stein is embarrassed and looks like a ping pong ball when he jumps up and sits down again trying to quiet Joshua at all cost.

"Your honor, I apologize for my client's accusations…I am sure he did not intend to incite anyone against the police or prosecution...his words were uttered in anger and I can assure you he will apologize when asked".

The judge says loudly. My esteemed defense and attack representatives…"

He laughs out loud…

"Sorry…I meant the defense and prosecution representatives! I demand you relax and sit patiently in your seats."

He turns to the typist

"I would ask that the last words of the accused be stricken from the record" he turns to Joshua

"Before we proceed, I understand that the accused decision is final and complete?"

Joshua replies with surprising aggressiveness

"That's true your honor, this is my final and complete decision and I won't change it…as you know, I am the leader of the "bible disciples" and as a person preaching for life in bible ways, I believe my fate and path are in God's hands…and only he can determine that and not this or any other court".

The judge sighs in relief along with everyone else who appear relaxed and curious again. The judge stretches and says authoritatively

"I heard what you said Joshua Solomon and I remind you that you are on trial for serious criminal charges and the court is the sole authority appointed by the state in these cases."

He smiles.

"In the matter of your faith and relations with God we do not intervene or interrupt… this is your private matter with God".

He wipes the sweat from his brow and turns to everyone.

"As I am the judge whether you like it or not and this case has to proceed before I lose my patience…I hope the prosecution and defense are ready for opening statements".

He adds jokingly

"Of course you're ready otherwise we wouldn't be in this court".

Everyone laugh.

"And since we're all ready to precede…the prosecution is invited to proceed with opening statements…please".

Anita McCoy and her assistant consult, she gets up and as she looks at her notes she begins speaking

"Your honor…the member of the jury, honorable court and my esteemed friend defense counsel David Stein. We are facing an extremely cruel event!! Out of absolute evil the boy, Isaac Menis, was kidnapped in the morning and later that night murdered and his body hidden in an unforeseeable location."

She stands in front of the accused in a threatening way.

"The prosecution will prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that on February 17th, 2007, on Saturday morning between 7 and 9 am, the accused, Joshua Solomon, kidnapped Isaac from the safest of places… the home of his father, Abraham Menis, located on 13 Hope St. The accused rang the door bell and when Abraham's spouse, Michelle, answered the door as Abraham slept in the bedroom, the accused gagged her to keep her from crying out for help, hit her over the head and knocked her unconscious. Immediately after that, he kidnapped Eve and Abraham's son, Isaac, who was playing in the yard! Later that day, he murdered him in cold blood and around 3-4 am hid his body in the Anderson landfill with the intention of never finding the body. Due to these acts and to prevent similar occurrences in the future the prosecution strongly demands the maximum punishment under the law for the accused Joshua Solomon… the prosecution demands a death sentence for the accused."|

The sound of whispering and murmurings is heard around the courtroom… Mickey and Wally pat each other on the shoulder! Eve and Gideon watch each other in satisfaction and hug. Eve murmurs to herself.

"Death is too easy for this monster…I wish he ends up in hell and suffers for eternity".

"You're right, Eve…death is an easy punishment for this lunatic! But even that's not certain yet…we have to wait for the verdict."

Michelle smiles at Abraham, she holds his hand in excitement and explains as Abraham sighs in relief and his eyes ablaze with the fire of revenge.

"I'm really surprised…I didn't think they'd ask for the death sentence…it sound scary!! Do you think it's justified? Even though the accused claims he's innocent?"

Abraham's body tenses up and he removes her hand and snaps at her

"Now you're feeling sorry for this murderer? This monster?"

Michelle retreats.

"If he believes in the bible than it says "an eye for an eye, tooth for tooth"…do you understand what that means? If you killed someone even by mistake, you should be killed because the punishment should be equal to the crime".

He says meanly which makes Michelle cringe.

"I didn't forget you're also to blame…you didn't watch Isaac properly …you'll always have a mark on your forehead for that!! You're lucky you're pregnant".

Michelle thinks he's joking with her and she asks in horror

"What do you mean…you're lucky you're pregnant? Why do you think I wasn't watching Isaac? You're scaring me!!"

Abraham is embarrassed and quickly hugs her and strokes her stomach

"I'm sorry Michelle my love!! I should be hit with a hammer on the head! I was just talking nonsense without reason. I guess I'm still broken up by everything and that's why sometimes I spout out nonsense I didn't mean!! I'm sorry Michelle; I swear I'll never do that again…always remember that I love you and that we are having a baby".

Abraham holds her close and hugs her to the stares of the embarrassed people sitting next to them. Michelle notices his eyes are still fiery and is sure the reason for that is his hatred and despise towards the accused. The judge hits his gavel again.

"I thank the prosecution for their opening statement…before we move on to the defense statement I would be happily thank the nice couple who enjoys displaying their romantic emotions in public and recommend that they continue in their own home and without our interruptions".

Everyone laughs.

"And back to the romantic affairs of this court…"everyone laughs again…"I ask that the defense proceed."

"Listen David…I want you to emphasize that I am not pleading guilty because I didn't do what they say I did and not because of some other reason…and find out about bail too…and also…"

David bursts out in suspicion…

"You're not hiding anything from me are you? You know the prosecution wants to go all the way"

"No David, I have nothing to hide, and I don't want you to present me like a lunatic who isn't aware of his actions and should be locked up in an asylum instead of being tried in court…if you try taking that line of defense I'll send you to hell and demand another attorney!! Consider yourself warned!! In addition, I don't know, sadly, why they decided to frame me…actually I think I do know and I'm sure you do too."

He sighs in despair.

"Because I'm the singing pervert and I fit the profile of the murderer. Instead of looking for the real killer, the police took the easy way out and looked for a scapegoat…they looked for someone to pin that murder on and found me…the singing pervert".

David watches Joshua skeptically as the judge looks as though he is starting to lose his patience. David stands up and whispers to Joshua

"But what about all the witnesses and evidence they have? Did they make that up too?"

He smirks

"If they've made that up it won't hold up under my interrogation! If they're making it all up I'll make sure they swallow everything up and puke it out on each other. But, if I find out that the evidence and witnesses are real and are the basis of the suit…you're finished!"

The judge's gavel lands angrily on his podium and he seems to enjoy it a bit. He loudly says

"My esteemed friend, David Stein…I hope you and your client are finished reminiscing about your childhood and that you're ready for your opening statement".

The crowd laughs.

"I apologize, your honor…my client and I had to clarify some issue regarding opening statement and with your permission I'll begin now."

The judge waves his hand impatiently signaling him to start.

"Well…your honor, esteemed friends of the prosecution, jury and honorable court…before my statement I ask that the court grant my client bail and that he remain under house arrest for the duration of the trial."

The judge snaps angrily watching David as if he's lost his mind. David looks down in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry. Your client is on trial for severe criminal offenses that do not allow the possibility of bail and strongly advise you not ask for bail again…you may continue with your opening statement".

David begins uncomfortably

"My client – Joshua Solomon, is accused of a very serious crime…he is accused of the kidnapping and murder of Isaac Menis. With all due respect to my colleagues sitting at the prosecution table who will do whatever it takes to convict my client, a small maybe miniscule problem exist which the prosecution needs to think about and that is that my client strongly claims that he does not confess".

David begins pacing back and forth thoughtfully.

"True, the prosecution will claim that my client claims he is not guilty because he thinks the prosecution can't prove its claims…"

He stands before the prosecution table and looks at them…

"but if he was guilty and wanted to get away with it then he would have been willing to make a deal when he knew that he wouldn't be punished fully…in this case he could get the death penalty!!! So I ask this court – what sane man would take a chance on killing himself…or by claiming not guilty!! I'll tell you who… there are two types of people who will choose this option and plead not guilty!! The first – an insane person whose insanity will be proven and the conclusion for that is that this person belongs in a mental institution for treatment! And the second type is a sane person who pleads not guilty because he didn't commit kidnapping and murder attributed to him despite the circumstantial evidence and unreliable witnesses the prosecution produces. And therefore your honor, I declare that my client is not guilty of these crimes, my client is sitting on the accused chair due to a chain of events and circumstantial evidence working against him! I am going to prove it! I am going to prove it not only beyond reasonable doubt but beyond any doubt at all."

He mumbles to himself quietly…

"Prove what? I don't know what to do…how to start…where to continue…"

The courtroom is silent like a grave…David Stein feels elated and slowly returns to his chair next to Joshua. Everyone's eyes are focused on him. Joshua holds his hands with his own shaking hands as David tries to evade his touch and with admiration whispers to him

"That was a great speech David…you really showed them…I'm proud of you, you'll see, I'll make you the most famous and sought after lawyer in the country."

He giggles.

"I'm glad you're with me, till the end...the bitter end? Or the sweet end?"

"Don't worry Joshua; I promise you, we'll win this fight"

He winks at him.

"We don't have any other choice, do we?"

Joshua smile shyly and watches the prosecution in disgust who in turn watch David in overt arrogance. The judge that mistakenly seemed asleep or dreaming finishes cleaning his glasses and sits up straight on his chair. As if by magic the sleepy penguins flock also sits up quickly.

"Thank you very much, prosecution and defense counselors for finishing your moving opening statements…and you clowns"

He points towards the crowd

"I suggest you remember that this courtroom is not a hotel room! On the other hand if anyone still insists on taking a nap, I can always get him the best bed in prison1! And as a bonus I'll make sure he receives VIP terms."

The prosecution, defense and some of those present try hard to suppress the burst of laughter about to come out. The penguin crowd who previously nearly fell asleep acts alert and chatty and attempt to look away from the judges threatening mocking eyes. With the intention of shaking up the sleepy penguins the judge again pounds his gavel on the podium and smirks at the sight of them startling in surprise. Anita McCoy leans on her desk lightly and looks disparagingly at the defense.

"Your this time I would like to call to the stand…" The judge interrupts her

"Ms. McCoy…you will not be able to call anyone at this moment as I am declaring this hearing adjourned for today"…

He pounds his gavel…

"The hearing will be resumed tomorrow morning at 9 am same place. There are no reserved seats here"

He says jokingly. The cop who is also the court user yells out loud

"All rise for the honorable judge Stephen Walls"

Similarly to discipline practiced soldiers they all stand up together and wait until the judge disappears into his chambers. The cops approach Joshua, handcuff him and roughly take him towards the squad car waiting to take him back to jail. On its way out Abraham, standing next to Michelle, suddenly attacks him.

"You'll pay for the murder of my son…you should be ashamed of yourself lying and pleading not guilty!! It won't do you any good…you'll burn in hell…you crazy monster"

Luckily for frightened Joshua, Abraham is roughly stopped by Mickey and Wally who pull him away from Joshua. Wally screams at the shocked and embarrassed cops who quickly leave.

"Damn it…moves your asses and get him out of here…are you asleep on your feet?"

Mickey holds Abraham's shirt angrily and nearly chokes him

"I warned you not go near him…if this happens again I'm going to ask the judge to fine you and bar you from entering the courtroom until the trial is over".

He turns to Michelle and says "take him home immediately before I hit him".

"I'm sorry office…it won't happen again"

Abraham whispers bitterly. Michelle hugs Abraham and quickly leads him towards their car. Mickey and Wally stare at their retreating backs.

"I don't know why but every day that passes I dislike him more and more"

Says Wally. Mickey watches Wally like an idiot and smirks. He waves his hand in dismissal and pounds him on the head jokingly.

"You're an idiot cop in the idiot police force".