A Fruitful Harvest

Four hours after they entered the cave, Orion finally spotted something from his gaze even before Iris, who was at the forefront, could. 

As they closed in on it, he could see it was another skeleton; however, this one's body appeared untouched, unlike the rest they had encountered.

Bending down to take a closer look, Orion could see that the only thing that hadn't yet turned to dust was a 60cm (24 inches) adult-sized bronze shield with various unknown carvings on its cover. Also, a metal armguard with dust accumulated all around it lay beside the skeleton. Lying next to the skeleton was a 31cm (12 inches) curved blade, whose blade appeared to be already chipped.

Seeing the sight before him, Orion understood he had been correct in his assumption, as the area still looked untouched.