The Clash Begins

As the winged races ascended into the sky and took their positions, Orion focused more intently on two individuals who appeared to be the leaders of Trekking Flamingo Runaway City.

They were both tall, imposing minotaurs with leathery wings and powerful draconic features. The first wore a full suit of heavy, ornate, scaly armour embellished in gold and silver filigree, with the insignia of Trekking Flamingo Runaway City—a dragon and miniature minotaur—on his chestplate. 

He also wore a crown-like helm that showcased his large, twisted horns, a bulging metallic bracelet on his left wrist, and tightly gripped a Gearweaver blade in his right hand.

The second individual, also of the same race, wore heavily fortified metallic armour covered in chips and cuts, evidence of numerous battles. Instead of looking worn out, it gave him a frighteningly rugged appearance. He had a Gearweaver bracelet on his left wrist and wielded a Gearweaver spear firmly in his hand.