Guardians Of The Sanctuary, Fearsome Battle Techniques

Kasryn took a small cylindrical bottle from a bag hanging at her waist and popped a pill into her mouth. Immediately, Orion sensed a surge of Vylkr energy within her as her aura grew fiercer. She put the bottle back and handed another bottle to Orion.

"Whatever you do, don't take another until after an hour. Do you understand?" Kasryn said, her voice clear as they pierced through the harsh, snowy winds.

It would be bad if Orion became too weakened to fight while occupied with an enemy, so she returned the bottle to him.

Orion took the box and placed it on his armour. The elixir bottle sank into a pouch he had created within the armour.

"I understand," Orion responded, his tone firm.

Soon, they could see the creatures hidden within the snowy dust clouds in the sky.