First Try

- First Try -

A few moments after.. after all that happened and everyone went back to their respective rooms..

Many began to wonder why Patriarchs and elders did not do something to prevent this from happening.

But what is the power of those who are just ordinary clan members and lack the power to question it.. And finally the incident ended as if nothing had happened within the clan.

A space reserved by the patriarch and The Elders for Yun Sen was precisely at night.

"Ahhh~ finally finished as well and can now relax.."Yun Sen said while stretching his body in the bedroom.

After the terrible incident in the Yun clan, especially for the existing members, it can be said that this incident is one of the terrible events recorded by the history of the Yun clan in the future. As for Yun Sen himself.. he didn't care much about it, at least as long as it didn't bother him.

"Hey System guess if I can cultivate?, because the way to live peacefully on your own is to survive.. Even if you are a smart person but if your ability is weak at least it will die so easily right?"Yun Sen asked Xiao Wei.

Xiao Wei immediately replied hearing that.

[Of course the Host.. in today's world even a baby can actually cultivate if he is blessed from heaven or has his own merits. ] Reply Xiao Wei explained.

"Hmm.. you must reach a high realm, not if you want to have your own power."Yun Sen Asked.

[Right Host! ] Reply Xiao Wei.

"Hmm.. then let's open the rewards system.

[Good Host! ] Reply Xiao Wei.

Immediately, a system panel appeared in front of Yun Sen.


[YES / NO ]

"Of course yes."Yun Sen said while pressing the panel button.

Suddenly a white bottle appeared in front of Yun Sen and he immediately took the bottle and opened it.

"System.. What was the use of this Heavenly Pill of Spirit?"Yun Sen asked Xiao Wei.

Xiao Wei immediately replied.

[ Heavenly Pill of Spirit is basically high level but it is divided into several levels. while the one held by the Host was a Tier 3 Heavenly Pill of Spirit. And also the function of this Pill is almost the same as other pills where this Pill concentrates the Spirit around and turns it into pure Qi to be inserted into the user's Dantian, and for the purity level of each use depends on the user luck, also if the previous Host does not directly kill all the selected people in the Yun Clan at least the Host can get several thousand Earth Pill of Spirit pills, you could say the Earth Pill of Spirit pill is a lower version of the Heavenly Pill of Spirit. ] Reply Xiao Wei explained.

"Hmm.. it turns out that simultaneously completing quests is better than completing them one by one, if so, can't we at least immediately complete all quests and immediately evacuate to live a peaceful life?"Yun Sen asked bluntly.

Hearing that Xiao Wei fell silent for a moment and then replied.

[ It could be but a very small possibility Host, also when viewed from the condition of the Host is still new at least it takes thousands.. Millions.. billions of years and more than that. ] Reply Xiao Wei explained.

Hearing Xiao Wei's explanation made Yun Sen stunned for a moment.. Because whatever the system describes is true what it is.. he is still new in this world and needs to be strong to live a peaceful life.

Then he immediately asked about the level of cultivation he had to go through.

"System.. if so, what level must be reached in this world to have power and live a peaceful life?"Yun Sen Asked.

Hearing Yun Sen's question, Xiao Wei immediately replied.

[Based on information.. The cultivation level in this world is divided into 5 general steps. namely :

- Step 1: - Qi Gathering (20step)

- Qi Foundation (15 steps)

- Body Filtering/First Spirit of Star

- Body Foundation/ 2-5 Spirit of Star

- Spirit Transformation (9 step)

- Peak Spirit Transformation (Half Step to King transformation

- King transformation (9 Step)

- Half King Transformation (Half Step to Venerable Transformation)

- Venerable Transformation (10 Steps)

- Emperor Transformation (9 Step)

- Transcendent

For step 1 can at least be spelled out like that Host!. ]

Seeing that made Yun Sen a little lost in thought then a moment after that Xiao Wei said back.

[ For a realm starting at Peak Spirit Transformation, the cultivator can live up to several hundred years if unharmed, while for above Peak Spirit Transformation it can live the same one thousand to several hundred thousand years until Transcendent Host realm!. Xiao Wei explained..

Hearing that Yun Sen was stunned for a moment because somehow he had to have a target to achieve at least based on the information provided he had to reach the peak realm of Step 1, the Transcendent realm.

"Hmm.. at least for now this self must reach the Transcendent realm."Said Yun Sen.

[True Host!, After the Transcendent realm will begin Step 2 onwards. ] Xiao Wei Said.

"*Hmm.. Step 2 and so on, I guess.. There are still many other steps *sigh * at least for now it should be able to reach the Transcendent realm."Said Yun Sen within himself.

A few moments later Yun Sen asked..

"Then for our next goal.. is there a town around here?"Yun Sen Asked.

Xiao Wei immediately replied.

[ Of course there are hosts, in the Yuan Tian continent there are 5 main Empires namely the Nan Zhou Empire, The Gong Zhou Empire, The Fu Zhou Empire, the Lian Zhou Empire and lastly the Yuan Zhou main Empire. As for the Empire close to the Empire or the Nan Zhou Dynasty Host! Xiao Wei explained.

Seeing the two discussing, Little Aza only looked at them sleepily because she herself rarely did activities other than leaning on Yun Sen's shoulder.

A moment later Little Aza said to Yun Sen.

"Hey.. Smelly boy.. I will sleep for an indefinite time and in the knowledge that I will wake up if there are events such as eating, drinking, and other delicious things.. you can use this as a place where I can sleep at the same time of course you can wake myself up, but at least not for every moment, rest assured that the ring will not be destroyed even if it is attacked by The King transformation realm or above." said little Aza while giving Yun Sen a black ring

Hearing his friend's words as if she was using himself like a servant made Yun Sen's forehead twitch slightly and emotionally.

"Damn you rotten Octopus! you're not even better off getting burned by a fucking squid!"Yun Sen said slightly raising his tone.

Seeing the two fight again.. just make Xiao Wei sigh.. It seemed like she was getting used to both of the stupidities of existence in front of her..

[ *Sigh.. ]

Some time after that. after Yun Sen put on the ring, he said to Xiao Wei.

"Then let's see how lucky this self is in facing the cultivation path. And of course we can leave for the Nan Zhou Empire after this."Said Yun Sen.

After that, he sat down on the floor and began to cultivate.

When he was cultivating after taking the Pill for a while after that he felt that a lot of Qi had entered his dantian and this was in accordance with what Xiao Wei said.

In Yun Sen's spiritual consciousness..

Everything was very pitch dark and there wasn't even light coming in, but for some unknown reason within Yun Sen's dantian everything was flowing an enormous amount of Qi.. it was just within Yun Sen's spiritual sea.. everything looks pitch black like an endless darkness enveloping.

While outside consciousness / Spiritual sea Yun Sen.

Right around.. the room where Yun Sen was.

The winds blew violently around the room where Yun Sen was.

The sky is the same situation, the ceiling and the clouds are swirling and radiate the Aura of Heaven an Earth that is so strong..

The lands around the Yun Clan began to tremble as if unable to sustain everything in it..

The surrounding Spiritual beasts were filled with panic.. however, they simply fell silent and knelt down as if they were worshiping a figure who was about to descend on the Yuan Tian continent.

Some time later this incident became even more violent by the results produced, the more time passed the more Qi swirled following all at once around the area around Yun Sen's room.

The more time passed also this incident made all sorts of elements and fundamentals of the continent become chaotic in all sorts of places throughout the Yuan Tian continent.

This incident was witnessed by many pairs of eyes.. and many people are filled with fear of the effects that come to their area.. especially for the Yun Clan. All the people along with the patriarch and The Elders and all the people immediately came to the source.

After they arrived and saw the source place which was where it was caused from where Yun Sen was.

Instantly Everyone became limp and fell at the same time prostrating in front of Yun Sen's room by looking up.

Where at this moment above Yun Sen's room radiated an Aura that exceeded the limits of the world so as to make all kinds of aspects messy.

And above the room where Yun Sen was there was a huge and very bright light that towered over the sky and made the sky split and illuminated the area of hundreds of thousands and even several million miles around.

Many people who saw this incident included people from the Nan Zhou Empire.. because the distance from Nan Zhou City was about several hundreds of miles from the Yun Clan.

All eyes were on the light, including The Emperor and the people within the Empire..

Powerful people who had been hiding for quite a while in the shadows began to come out and see this amazing event. For them this occurrence of Heaven and Earth is a sign of the presence of a Transcendent being, but actually this situation is more than that.

Some time passed.. More and more eyes are watching. And for the Yun Clan.

Everyone just fell down looking up and kneeling at the same time adoring the presence in front of him..

Because anyhow the presence that caused this kind of situation was considered a God for them this terrible event lasted at least until the morning and ended with the appearance of a Black and White Dragon shadow that towered up and flattened while eliminating the surrounding clouds and making the whole sky really look blue without anythint in the way.

As for Yun Sen who was still silent.. he slowly got up and began to open his eyes.

And then he slowly stretched his body.


Yun Sen said as he shook his head.

Shortly after that he called the system to check his cultivation base.

"Hey System. can you show me the profile?*

However Xiao Wei did not reply..

After which Yun Sen shouted back!


A moment later Xiao Wei replied.

[Hello Host!, Good Morning!, sorry Xiao Wei has late replied.. Earlier Xiao Wei was doing something.. ] Said Xiao Wei with a little nervousness as well as fear.. because somehow he was the first to see the incident caused by Yun Sen before but still he started to get used to it and began to get to know the characteristics of the host a little.

"What about my current condition? can you show me the Profile?"Yun Sen Asked.

[Sure Host! ] Reply Xiao Wei.

[Name : Yun Sen

Family / Affiliation: Yun Clan

Age Unknown :

Cultivation: Qi Gathering (1st Step)

Skill: Unknown ]

[It's your Profile Host! ]

Seeing that his status as well as his cultivation base had only reached Qi Gathering (1st Step) made Yun Sen sigh


But he was not too disappointed.. because somehow it can be said that this includes development for himself.